Tag Archive for: Podcast

18: Pharaoh

On this episode, Moses confronts Pharaoh about letting God’s people go free from Egypt. But Pharaoh is stubborn, and takes some convincing…


054: Christianity and Money

How does your faith affect how you think about money and how you steward your own resources? Should you tithe? Is it ok to use your money on something fun? Why is money a sticky topic for churches? During the Sticky message series, we’re sitting down with preachers right after they finish preaching to continue the conversation. On this episode, Rachel talks with Ryan following his sermon, “Christianity and Money.”


Redeeming Money by Paul Tripp

The Economics of Neighborly Love by Tom Nelson

“Does God Care About My Finances?” by Mark Carden

Managing God’s Money by Randy Alcorn

Fields of Gold by Andy Stanley

17: Moses

Who’s in the Bible is back for season 2! Aric and Lance jump into Exodus to learn about Moses and the fate of the Israelite people in Egypt.


053: Christianity and Marital Strife

How is reconciliation possible when a marriage has a normal conflict, or when it’s much worse and seems hopelessly broken? During the Sticky message series, we’re sitting down with preachers right after they finish preaching to continue the conversation. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen and Rachel Chester talk with Yancey Arrington following his sermon, “Christianity and Marital Strife.”


The Peacemaker by Ken Sande

What Did You Expect? by Paul Tripp

The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller

You and Me Forever by Francis Chan

Clear Creek Counseling

052: Christianity and Mental Health

During the Sticky message series, we’re sitting down with preachers right after they finish preaching to continue the conversation. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen talks with Lead Pastor Bruce Wesley and counselor Tara Warner following Bruce’s sermon, “Christianity and Mental Health.”


Grace for the Afflicted by Matthew S. Stanford

Hope and Healing Center and Institute in Houston

Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation

Clear Creek Care and Support

051: Christianity and Politics

How can Christians find their identity in Christ, maintain their allegiance to his kingdom and also engage faithfully in politics? On this episode, Rachel and Yancey discuss his sermon, “Christianity and Politics,” and continue the conversation about this sticky subject.


Compassion & Conviction: The AND Campaign’s Guide to Faithful Civic Engagement by Justin Giboney, Michael Wear, and Chris Butler

Which Political Party is Right?” by Bruce Wesley


050: What Makes Biblical Community Unique?

Biblical Community is one of the core values of Clear Creek Community Church. On this episode, Ryan talks with Bruce Wesley and Karl Garcia about what “Biblical Community” means, how it became a core value, and how it influences every aspect of the church.


Side by Side by Ed Welch

Life Together Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Lost Art of Disciple Making by LeRoy Eims

Small Groups, Big Impact by Jim Egli and Dwight Marble

Transformational Groups by Ed Stetzer and Eric Geiger

049: Faith and Education

On this episode, Rachel Chester talks with principal Matthew Neighbors and teacher Dalena Ryskoski about how their faith affects their work in education. Whether it is during the chaos of a pandemic or within the everyday responsibilities of public education, Matthew and Dalena share how they draw strength from Christ and love their neighbors in schools.


048: Multiplying Leaders in the Church, Workplace, and Home

On this episode, Ryan talks with Chris Alston, the Director of Leadership Development at Clear Creek Community Church, about how to multiply leaders in every realm of life. Whether it’s in the church, at your work, or in your home, Chris shares his model for raising up leaders of character who not only lead with courage and conviction, but who focus on raising up more leaders for the future.


“Leadership from the Inside Out: Examining the Inner Life of a Healthy Church Leader”, Kevin Harney (Self Leadership)

“The Secret of Teams: What Great Teams Know and Do”, Mark Miller (Team Leadership)

“The Multiplication Effect: Building a Leadership Pipeline”, Mac Lake (Organizational Leadership)



047: Empty Nest – Preparing Your Kids and Marriage for the Next Stage

You might be looking forward to it or be saddened by it, but one day it’ll be here. Those precious kids will move out and move on to adulthood. Being an empty-nester brings new found freedom but the transition into the next stage can be difficult. On this episode, Mark and Lisa Carden share what they learned about marriage and parenting when their kids were in the house and how they prepared for the launching of their kids into the real world.


God’s Design for Sex series by Stan Jones, Brenna Jones, Carolyn Nystrom

Parenting by Paul Tripp

What Did You Expect? by Paul Tripp