Tag Archive for: Podcast

134: Views From Jerusalem — In the Steps of Jesus From Israel to Texas

Yancey and Jennefer Arrington, and Aaron and Rachel Chester, were given the extraordinary opportunity to visit Israel.

They spent ten days in the places where most of the biblical events took place; walking where Jesus walked, and praying where he prayed.

While in Jerusalem, just yards from where the remains of the temple of Israel still stands, Rachel sat down with Yancey, Jennefer, and Aaron, and asked them, what they learned, how it affected their faith, and what it might mean for the people of Clear Creek Community Church.

28 Days of Prayer — Psalm 139

Here at Clear Creek Community Church, we are walking through 28 Days of Prayer together.

As part of that, we have a special podcast series, where you will hear from different people around our church read and pray through a Psalm.

Our hope is that these prayers will be a blessing to you and also a resource as you grow in your relationship with our Father.

133: Forgiveness in Marriage

Marriage is a place where we experience the worst of each other. Forgiveness is a must for any couple in it for the long haul.

How do Jesus’ teachings about forgiveness apply to the marriage relationship?

How can someone move past the hurt and brokenness of divorce?

Is your marriage really worth saving?

On this episode Lance Lawson talks with Lance & Erin Boyd about how forgiveness brings healing and hope.

28 Days of Prayer — Psalm 61

Here at Clear Creek Community Church, we are walking through 28 Days of Prayer together.

As part of that, we have a special podcast series, where you will hear from different people around our church read and pray through a Psalm.

Our hope is that these prayers will be a blessing to you and also a resource as you grow in your relationship with our Father.

132: Busy Life on Mission

One the values of Clear Creek Community Church is Missional Living.

We demonstrate the power of following Jesus to those around us by showing the love of Jesus to everyone we meet.

But what if your life is busy…really busy?

You might be surprised to know that even in the busyness of life there’s opportunity to live on mission for Jesus.

In fact, the busyness might provide more opportunity than you ever thought.

On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen talks with Brandi DeGroot about how her family lives on mission in midst of a full schedule.


28 Days of Prayer — Psalm 130

Here at Clear Creek Community Church, we are walking through 28 Days of Prayer together.

As part of that, we have a special podcast series, where you will hear from different people around our church read and pray through a Psalm.

Our hope is that these prayers will be a blessing to you and also a resource as you grow in your relationship with our Father.

131: Curses, Tears, and Worship — Praying with the Psalms

Clear Creek Community Church is taking part in 28 Days of Prayer as a church family.

As part of these 28 days, we are praying through Psalms, the prayerbook of the people of God.

Throughout this book, there are many different types of psalms; each one a different and authentic way of crying out to God our Father.

In this episode, Rachel talks with Tanner Smith, Director of Prayer Ministries, and Denise Ward, teacher of Grief Share and Women of the Word, about the example of honest and intimate prayers in the Psalms and how we can incorporate them into our own prayer lives.

28 Days of Prayer — Psalm 5:1-8

Here at Clear Creek Community Church, we are walking through 28 Days of Prayer together.

As part of that, we have a special podcast series, where you will hear from different people around our church read and pray through a Psalm.

Our hope is that these prayers will be a blessing to you and also a resource as you grow in your relationship with our Father.

130: What is Spiritual Warfare?

Throughout Revelation, John wants his readers to realize that there is more going on that meets the eye; there is a spiritual reality at work with angels and demons, and God and Satan.

So, what is spiritual warfare?

Is it something we really experience today?

Ryan sits down with Bruce Wesley to discuss Satan and demons, as well as the authority, power, and peace of Jesus.


129: A Conversation with Chris Alston

What does little league, sushi, and mowing have in common?

They are all things Chris Alston loves.

On this episode, Rachel talks with Chris about his years of serving as a pastor at Clear Creek Community Church, his family, his passions, and what he would do if he wasn’t a pastor.