Tag Archive for: Podcast

084: Good & Angry

The last year has been filled with many emotions, but there is one that seems to be everywhere — anger. As we begin a new message series called Good & Angry we look back on a previous podcast episode where Ryan Lehtinen talks with Bruce Wesley to discuss what anger is, where it comes from, and how to overcome it before it destroys us all.


A Small Book about a Big Problem by Edward Welch

Good and Angry by David Powlison

A Gentle Answer by Scott Sauls


083: Searching for Wisdom

Technology can be good, but can also result in echo-chambers and disconnection. Where else can we turn for information as we navigate this world? On this episode, Rachel sits down with Brett McCracken, author of The Wisdom Pyramid, to discuss how we can engage with nature, beauty, books, and more, as we seek wisdom from God.


The Wisdom Pyramid by Brett McCracken

Exit the Echo Chamber. It’s Time to Persuade by Brett McCracken

The Distraction of Technology



082: Teens and Social Media

It’s no secret that students are firmly entrenched in the world of social media. But what does that really look like for teenagers today? What are the implications? And is it all bad? On this episode, Jon Coffey talks to Egret Bay Campus Students Director Daniel Palacios, and Students Associate Kate Mendoza about the current culture of teens, their relationship with social media, and how they can leverage their skills and technology for the kingdom of God.


Gen Z: The Culture, Beliefs and Motivations Shaping the Next Generation from the Barna Group

081: Eating, Body Image, and the Gospel

Our relationship with food is complicated. We love it, but it also causes so many problems. We are unhappy with our bodies, diet options abound, and many are struggling with eating disorders. Why is God’s good gift of food so fraught with anxiety and pain? How can we find peace with food and also walk alongside others who are struggling? Rachel sits down with Bekah Madrid, Susan Wesley, and Amy Carlson to discuss their journey with food and how they found peace and truth together.


Peace with Food


080: Engaging Technology

Technology is everywhere. From the places we shop, the schools we attend, the jobs we work, and even the streets we travel, you can’t escape the reach of technology, which comes with both joy and sorrow. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen talks with Nick Skytland, a technology professional, consultant, and elder at Clear Creek’s West Campus, about how followers of Jesus can engage technology in a way that honors God.


What Comes Next? By Nick Skytland & Ali Llewellyn

Faith & Technology Message Series

“We Need a Theology of Technology”


31: Solomon

In this episode, we meet a wise guy named Solomon and Aric plays a ridiculous game show called, “Is it a Proverb or a Fortune Cookie?”

078: Should I Delete Facebook?

It’s no secret that we’re coming off one of the most turbulent social media stretches in history. With COVID, the presidential election, racial tension, and censorship along with all everything else people like to argue about like religion, sports, and reality TV, the once wondrous world of social media feels more like a battleground. The more we learn about how these apps work, the more wary we become, and we’re left wondering if they still have a place in our lives, not to mention on our devices. On this episode, Jon Coffey sits down with Clear Creek Community Church Digital Communications Director, Jon Crump, to discuss the state of social media and how we, as Christians, can glorify God with our relationship with it.


The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age by Tony Reinke

Disruptive Witness: Speaking Truth in a Distracted Age by Alan Noble


30: King David & Uriah

The story of David continues. Giant slayer, warrior, fugitive, king of Israel, and now… guilty of murder? In this episode we see how even a man after God’s own heart can fail tragically, but also that God remains faithful. 

077: Is Christianity the Only True Religion?

Can there really be one true religion? Are we all worshiping the same God, but in different ways? Can we embrace diversity and avoid relativism? Rachel Chester sits down with Dr. Timothy Yoder, an apologetics and philosophy professor, to discuss religious pluralism, Christian apologetics, and how to respectfully engage with those outside the Christian faith.


Confronting Christianity by Rebecca McLaughlin

The Reason for God by Timothy Keller

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

076: Christian Celebrity

It happens every so often that we see prominent and popular Christian leaders, celebrities if you will, stumble and fall. A story breaks, or someone comes forward and all of a sudden we’re left wondering about this person and their ministry and if it was all for real. On this episode, Jon Coffey sits down with Clear Creek Community Church’s Lead Pastor, Bruce Wesley, to discuss the dangers of the Christian celebrity and how we can appreciate God-given gifts and talents without creating idols.


The Danger of Idolizing ‘Christian Celebrities’ – Relevant Magazine