34: Jonah
The story of Jonah is well known, but it raises some big questions. Did it really happen? Can we believe the Bible? What is the point of such a crazy story? All these questions and more are tackled in this episode.
The story of Jonah is well known, but it raises some big questions. Did it really happen? Can we believe the Bible? What is the point of such a crazy story? All these questions and more are tackled in this episode.
There’s a pandemic sweeping across America, but it was around long before COVID-19. It’s the pornography pandemic. In fact, recent quarantine-influenced numbers show that porn website traffic is at an all-time high. So, how can we fight for purity in this sex-crazed world? How can we raise kids in it? And how can we honor God’s standard of marriage? On this episode, Jon Coffey sits down with Clear Creek’s Director of Marriage and Family Ministries, Lance Lawson, and Clear Lake Student Director, Kyle Mikulan, to talk about how the gospel impacts our response to, and navigation through, this issue.
The Good & Angry message series brought up some great questions for many people. How does our anger impact our children? What does growth look like? How can we help those in our lives who struggle with anger? How is forgiveness possible? On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen sat down with Greg Poore and Susan Wesley to discuss these questions and more.
Clear Creek Community Church Counseling Center
Good and Angry (sermon series)
“Be Angry and Do Not Sin” by Bruce Wesley
“For Those Who Are Angry” (prayer)
084: Good & Angry (podcast)
Good and Angry by David Powlison
Aric and Lance travel back in time for a tour of Solomon’s Temple. After listening, check out this YouTube video for a visual guide.
Included in the Great Commission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations is the call to start new local churches where people can be baptized and taught to walk in obedience to the gospel of Jesus. This call issued two millennia ago is still going today. God is at work using churches to plant churches. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen talks with Bruce Wesley about being a part of a movement to plant churches across the Houston area and to the ends of the earth.
“Why Plant Churches?” by Tim Keller
Houston Church Planting Network
It can be difficult to know how to respond to the constant questions and conflicts that arise in culture. How does a Christian engage in the world with kindness and conviction? What issues are worth fighting for and where does the church go next? Rachel sits down with Dr. Russell Moore: theologian, author, and president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, to discuss these questions and more.
Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel by Russell Moore
The Courage to Stand: Facing Your Fear without Losing Your Soul by Russell Moore
The last year has been filled with many emotions, but there is one that seems to be everywhere — anger. As we begin a new message series called Good & Angry we look back on a previous podcast episode where Ryan Lehtinen talks with Bruce Wesley to discuss what anger is, where it comes from, and how to overcome it before it destroys us all.
A Small Book about a Big Problem by Edward Welch
Good and Angry by David Powlison
A Gentle Answer by Scott Sauls
Technology can be good, but can also result in echo-chambers and disconnection. Where else can we turn for information as we navigate this world? On this episode, Rachel sits down with Brett McCracken, author of The Wisdom Pyramid, to discuss how we can engage with nature, beauty, books, and more, as we seek wisdom from God.
The Wisdom Pyramid by Brett McCracken
Exit the Echo Chamber. It’s Time to Persuade by Brett McCracken
It’s no secret that students are firmly entrenched in the world of social media. But what does that really look like for teenagers today? What are the implications? And is it all bad? On this episode, Jon Coffey talks to Egret Bay Campus Students Director Daniel Palacios, and Students Associate Kate Mendoza about the current culture of teens, their relationship with social media, and how they can leverage their skills and technology for the kingdom of God.
Gen Z: The Culture, Beliefs and Motivations Shaping the Next Generation from the Barna Group