169: Student Small Groups – Gifts, Challenges, and Partnering with Parents

How are student small groups different than adult small groups?

What are our kids doing when we drop them off at The Mix?

Why would these busy adults ever say yes to the relational and time commitments of leading teenagers?

In this episode, Rachel Chester talks with Aaron Suhre and Tara Boyd, Navigators of student groups, and Kara Dawson, Navigator and on staff in student ministry, about the best parts and hardest parts of leading students.

168: Partnering with Parents – A New Podcast

Are parents really the primary disciple-makers of their children?

How can the church come alongside families growing in faith?

In this episode, Rachel Chester talks with Lisa Carden, Creek Kids Director, Kyle Mikulan, Students Director at Clear Lake, and Yancey Arrington, Teaching Pastor, about how all parents can and should lead the way in discipling their children and how CCCC wants to partner with them.

Kyle also announces a new podcast from Clear Creek Resources: Partnering with Parents!

167: Merry and Messy

Our lives can be messy at times, and that means relationships between people can be messy.

What does it look like to walk with others with grace?

On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen talks with Greg Poore and Susan Wesley about stepping into someone’s life, even when it’s messy.


166: Local Ways to Serve During the Holidays

How can our generosity make a real impact in our communities?

How do we step into the mess, right where we are, with the light of the gospel?

In this episode, Rachel Chester sits down with Ryan Thomas, CCCC Go Director, and Shari McCormack, CCCC Go Associate, to discuss how to serve our local community as the hands and feet of Jesus.



165: 2022 Year In Review

As we end 2022, what are you celebrating?

How have you seen God move in your life, your family, and as a church?

On this special “Year In Review” episode, Aaron Lutz sat down with Ryan Lehtinen and Kyle Mikulan to look back on the year that was and look forward to a new year personally and as a church family.

164: Can Being Thankful Really Make Me Happy?

Our culture, and the church, talk a lot about an attitude of gratitude, but this is easier said than done.

Is there a real scientific connection between gratitude and mental health?

What does the Bible say about thanksgiving?

In this episode, Rachel Chester talks with Lindsey Lehtinen about the scientific evidence and biblical foundations of the real and central role of gratitude in a flourishing life.

163: How Can I Become Generous?

We know we should be generous, we want to be generous, but how can we actually become a generous people?

In this episode, Rachel talks with Patrick Johnson, the founder of Generous Church, and Mark Carden, Clear Creek’s Executive Pastor, about practical ways to cultivate generosity in our hearts, our family, and churches so that we can be on mission as the body of Christ.

162: What Does Generosity Have to Do with My Faith?

We live with a scarcity mindset of comparison and fear, but the Bible calls us to a completely different way of life.

In this episode, Rachel Chester sits down with Patrick Johnson, visionary and founder of Generous Church, a ministry with the hope of spreading generosity as a way of life throughout the entire globe.

Why do we struggle with generosity, how it is central to our faith, and how can we can cultivate generosity in our hearts? Patrick discusses these questions and more.

161: Sharing God’s Generosity in Brazil

God calls us to be a generous people and when we are faithful, the effects of our generosity reach farther than we can imagine.

In this episode, guest host Ted Ryskoski, sits down with Karl Garcia, Kyle Mikulin, and Priscilla Hartranft to discuss their recent trip to Brazil and how the generosity of our church is spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth.


160: What is the Point of Prayer if God Already Knows Everything?

God knows all things, so why ask for what we want, or confess what we have done? God knows what will happen, so why spend time in prayer about the future? In this episode, Rachel Chester talks with Yancey Arrington about God’s all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present nature, and how this actually invites us into real relationship with him and true purpose in the gospel story.