044: New Testament, New God?

Have you wondered if God changed from the Old Testament to the New? Sometimes people might remark that he seems angry and wrathful in the Old Testament but loving and forgiving in the New Testament. Rachel Chester sits down with Yancey Arrington to discuss how we should approach Scripture with this question, what the Bible reveals about the character of God, and how all of this is fully revealed and explained in Jesus.





A Study of Zephaniah: The Gracious Love of God

In the summer 2020 message series “For the Love,” the Clear Creek Community Church Teaching Team will examine one of the least known sections of the Bible, the books known as the Minor Prophets, to better understand the great love of God and our faithful response to that love. Join with us in reading each book along the way! Each Sunday afternoon we will post an introductory video by The Bible Project and a 5-day reading plan with reflection questions to prepare you to hear the following Sunday’s message.

DAY 1—Read Zephaniah 1

Zephaniah begins his book with a brief note to give us some clues about the author and setting. Who is Zephaniah’s famous ancestor? (You can review his story in 2 Chronicles 29-32.) During whose reign was Zephaniah prophesying? (You can review his story in 2 Chronicles 34-35.) Bonus question for those who read the 2 Chronicles texts—what similarities do you see between these two kings and their reigns?

“The day of the Lord” is an important theme throughout the book of Zephaniah, when the Lord will come bringing both judgment for sin and restoration for the righteous.  What type of prophecy do we see in today’s reading: an oracle of judgment, repentance, or salvation? What nation and city are the targets for Zephaniah’s message? What clues do you see about the reason for this oracle?


APPLY—In verse 12, Zephaniah accuses the men of Jerusalem of complacency, of thinking that the Lord isn’t actively at work in either salvation or judgment. This is such an easy mindset for us to fall into. When have you been distracted from God’s work by your own agenda or priorities? How do our false beliefs about God’s character and activity lead us to see him as unavailable or uninvolved? How do you need to shift your thinking in order to both appreciate his sovereignty and participate in his mission of redemption?




DAY 2—Read Zephaniah 2

In Chapter 2, Zephaniah turns the message of God’s judgment against the surrounding nations, almost as though he stands on the hills in Jerusalem and looks to each of the compass points. Verses 4-7 are directed at the cities of the Philistines, a nation located west of Judah. What does Zephaniah say will be their punishment? What glimpse of hope for the people of God can be found here?

The nations of Moab and Ammon, Judah’s eastern neighbors, are addressed in verses 8-11. What characteristic do these nations display that is the source of their downfall (v. 10)? What three things does the Lord encourage his people to seek in verse 3 so that they may avoid the same fate?


APPLY—Cush (v. 12) was a nation located south of Judah, and Assyria (v. 13-15) was the great power in the north who had already conquered the nation of Israel by Zephaniah’s time. Verse 16 makes clear Assyria’s pride in their own sufficiency and exceptionalism. Has comfort ever made you complacent? In what ways can having all our desires met lead us away from faith? What can you do today to remind yourself of your ongoing need for the Lord’s provision and presence?




DAY 3—Read Zephaniah 3:1-8

The people of Jerusalem would probably have cheered throughout the last chapter, as Zephaniah proclaimed God’s judgment against all their enemies—but then he launches into a scathing indictment of his own nation. In what actions do you see Judah’s pride displayed in verse 2? What would a response of humility before the Lord have looked like instead?

Zephaniah continues his accusations by naming specific groups among his people, detailing their failures. What officials does he identify (v. 3-5)? Of what are they guilty?


APPLY—Verse 8 closes today’s reading with an image of fire, burning and consuming everything in its path. Which of God’s character traits are being depicted in this metaphor? Why do we sometimes see these traits as less true of God’s character than his love or grace? How do we need to shift our thinking to see these aspects of God’s nature as not only acceptable but even desirable?




DAY 4—Read Zephaniah 3:9-13

Today’s reading reveals that the flames of God’s wrath are not merely destructive—it will also burn away wickedness and purify those whom he has chosen, removing all rebellion and pride. Read the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. How can Zephaniah’s prophecy in verse 9 be seen as a reversal of the judgment at Babel? How is this beautifully fulfilled in Revelation 7:9-10?

Zephaniah continues his emphasis on pride as the downfall of God’s people, with humility as their only chance of salvation. What character traits does he juxtapose in verses 11-12? How will their actions be transformed (v. 13)?


APPLY—Today’s reading concludes with a promise of a flourishing life: they shall graze and lie down, and none shall make them afraid. What is the intersection between pride and fear in our lives? How might humbling ourselves result in freedom from fear through trusting in his purpose and plan? What could you do today to begin to walk in humble faith rather than fearful pride?




DAY 5—Read Zephaniah 3:14-20

The restoration of God’s people is celebrated in today’s reading. Who is the active party in this passage? List the many actions that God says that he will take on his people’s behalf. What benefits will we experience?

We often speak of God’s promises as Already/Not Yet—already happening but not yet completely fulfilled. What promises in this passage have already been fulfilled? Which are still to come? Which of them are Already/Not Yet simultaneously?


APPLY—In a passage of lovely promises, one in particular provides a clear hope of mercy for God’s people: The Lord has taken away the judgments against you (v. 15a). Read John 5:24. How has Jesus completely and perfectly fulfilled this promise? Which of the promises in today’s passage have you personally experienced? How has experiencing the grace of God transformed your life?


A Fruitful Life

Imagine buying a beautiful new house with a gorgeous backyard. In the back corner of the yard there’s this healthy, lush tree. The real estate agent told you it’s an orange tree.

A few months go by, and all of a sudden, you start to see some little buds forming on the branches. And every day you look out and see more growth. And you see some little green fruits growing, and you say, “Oh look at those little baby oranges out there!”

“But, aren’t oranges supposed to be… orange?” your spouse says.

And you say, “Well, duh. But these are baby oranges. They’ll be orange eventually.”

More time passes, and more still, and there remains to be nothing but green fruit on the tree. Finally, you’re fed up. You storm out the back door, grab a fruit from the tree, take it inside, and slice it open only to discover… it’s a lime.

In the book of Galatians, Paul wrote to one of the first Christian churches about what to do after you become a Christian and used fruit to explain the markers of a life of faith compared to that of a life of sin.

“Now the works of the flesh [or selfishness] are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

– Galatians 5:19-21

Paul is listing these things to prove a point: these are the markers – the byproducts – of sin and selfishness. If you live a selfish life, these are the types of things you’re going to have to show for it. Maybe (okay, probably) for you it wouldn’t be sorcery, but Paul added in that little dig at the end: “and things like these.” Do you see what all of these markers have in common? They’re all about us.

I want to feel good.

I want to have fun.

I want to be in control.

I want to be right.

I want people to like me.

I want…

Paul warns us that these kinds of people aren’t going to inherit in the kingdom of God. They aren’t following the King. They aren’t going to go to heaven.

That might make you feel unsettled to read.

And you know why we feel like that? Because we all know that we’re those people. We’ve all had those kinds of thoughts, and done those kinds of things.

Fortunately, the story’s not over. Paul keeps going.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”

– Galatians 5:22-23

Those are way better than the last list, right? And who wouldn’t want them? This is the fruit –the markers – of a life devoted to Jesus, the King. They aren’t forced, they just come out of us, like fruit from a tree.

Remember the lime tree?

We can call ourselves whatever we want to call ourselves, but who we really are is shown by the fruit we’re producing. We can say we’re a Christian and that we follow Jesus, but if everything in our life – the fruit of our branches – doesn’t reflect what we say, then does it matter what we call ourselves?

See, our situation isn’t really like the story I told before. This isn’t a simple matter of limes versus oranges. For us, this is a matter of flourishing life and fetid death.

Dead trees often still stand tall. They might even continue to resemble some of the trees around them. But they’re no longer growing. They’re no longer living.

When we become a Christian, we are set free from a destructive life that selfishness and sin cause, and we are brought back to life.

“And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh [their selfishness] with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit”

– Galatians 5:24-25

When Christ died on the Cross for us, he took all of our sin with him. He paid for it all – everything we have done and will do – right there. He killed the power that sin and selfishness had over us. If you believe that, you’re no longer a withering tree. You’re alive.

And through Jesus, we are not only alive, but now live with the Holy Spirit’s power in us.

What Paul is saying is that if that same power that brought us back from the dead is available to us as we live, to not only keep us alive, but help us flourish, then we must do everything we can to stay connected to it.

But, how exactly do we do that?

Think about the way plants grow and thrive. They’re designed to funnel water toward them. They have intricate root systems to absorb nutrients from the ground. And some plants actually turn their leaves toward the sun.

If we want to follow Jesus and thrive, then we, like plants, have to be nourished with the right things.

We have to design our lives to funnel in the water. That means organizing our schedules to have time to do things like attend church and small group (physically or online).

We have to grow intricate root systems. That means we have to have a community of support – friends and family that will point us in the right direction and help us prune away our hurts and hang-ups.

And we need to lean toward the sunlight. That means we need to spend time reading the Bible and learning, and thinking deeply about the words on the pages and how they apply to us.

These aren’t things that save us or help us earn anything from God, but they are things that help us grow.

My prayer is that as a church, we will not only be Christians in name, but instead, be people who are truly made alive in Jesus, experiencing a deep, rich, and blossoming life through the Holy Spirit. May we all bring God glory, serve him, and help bring other people back from the dead, too.

“Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find him… and with him everything else thrown in.”

– C.S. Lewis


Wednesdays at Home: 6/24/20

This is our mid-week opportunity to stay connected online with our pastors to receive mid-week scriptural encouragement, prayer, and updates on how we are responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

To find out more information about our church, go to www.clearcreek.org.

Follow us on social media:
Facebook – www.facebook.com/clearcreek.org
Instagram – www.instagram.com/clearcreekcommunitychurch
Twitter – www.twitter.com/_cccc

A Study of Habakkuk: The Patient Love of God

In the summer 2020 message series “For the Love,” the Clear Creek Community Church Teaching Team will examine one of the least known sections of the Bible, the books known as the Minor Prophets, to better understand the great love of God and our faithful response to that love. Join with us in reading each book along the way! Each Sunday afternoon we will post an introductory video by The Bible Project and a 5-day reading plan with reflection questions to prepare you to hear the following Sunday’s message.

DAY 1—Read Habakkuk 1:1-11

Unlike many of the other prophetic books, Habakkuk doesn’t begin with any historical or biographical information. We don’t hear about who was king or which nation is being addressed; we know nothing about the prophet’s family or hometown. But that doesn’t mean we can’t know anything about Habakkuk as a person. Take another look at verses 1-4: What does Habakkuk do in response to trouble? What does his complaint tell us about his concerns and priorities?

How does the Lord promise to respond to Hosea’s concerns? What does this tell us about God’s passion for righteousness and justice among his people?


APPLY—Although Habakkuk hopes for rescue and relief, God instead answers with a promise of coming judgment. How do you respond when God hasn’t changed your circumstances in the way that you hoped? What can we learn from Habakkuk’s example of faithful lament in suffering?



DAY 2—Read Habakkuk 1:12-2:3

Habakkuk is clearly unhappy with the Lord’s response, questioning the justice of using a godless nation to punish God’s own people. However, what does verse 12 reveal about Habakkuk’s faith? What does he believe about the character of God?

How does Habakkuk describe the enemy who is coming against his nation? What does this tell us about who God will use to accomplish his purposes?


APPLY—The Lord answers Habakkuk as Chapter 2 begins, with an assurance that his plans will come to pass, even if it seems slow. When have you experienced God’s timing not aligning with your preferences? In what ways can his slowness be a mercy to us? How can an eternal perspective help us to trust him as we wait?



DAY 3—Read Habakkuk 2:4-5

Our reading today was short, but it contains a phrase so significant that it is quoted in the New Testament three times. While these verses are primarily concerned with the unrighteous nation that is coming to conquer Israel, verse 4 contains a contrasting phrase: but the righteous shall live by his faith. Let’s look at Romans 1:16-17, where Paul quotes Habakkuk to emphasize the importance of the gospel. What connection does Paul make between righteousness and faith? What does this have to do with the power of the gospel for salvation?

Paul also quotes this verse in Galatians 3:11. What is he contrasting with faith in this passage? How does he imply that we are justified?


APPLY—Paul quotes Habakkuk 2:4 in order to explain our justification: that we are made righteous by receiving Christ’s perfect righteousness and eternal life through faith in his work on our behalf. The author of Hebrews extends this by applying it to our continuing faithfulness as Christians—not only living forever with him, but living by faith today in and through his righteousness. Read Hebrews 10:36-39. What does it look like to endure suffering by faith? Why is it important that our faith in Christ is an ongoing reality rather than just a one-time event?



DAY 4—Read Habakkuk 2:6-20

In this passage, the Lord assures Habakkuk that the godless nation that is coming will not escape the wrath of God. He pronounces a series of woes against them, displaying his awareness of their depravity and his judgment to come. There are five statements of woe in our reading today—what sins are being condemned? In what ways will the punishments fit the crimes?

The series of woes is broken by a clear proclamation of God’s greatness in verse 14: For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Jeremiah 31:31-34 expands on this idea, discussing the New Covenant that began with Christ’s coming. How is this an Already/Not Yet promise (both already happening but not yet completely fulfilled)?


APPLY—The chapter closes with an assurance of the Lord’s reign in verse 20. How does this statement contrast with the depiction of the idols in the preceding verses? How can faith in God’s sovereignty transform our thoughts and choices? What kind of speech does it silence?



DAY 5—Read Habakkuk 3

Our reading today is a prayer of Habakkuk’s written in poetic form, most likely to be sung congregationally—notice the musical references throughout (see Psalms 6-7 for comparison). The song begins with Habakkuk remembering the past works of the Lord and praying that he would act again. Why do you think he prays that God would in wrath remember mercy (3:2)? How popular do you think that worship song would be today?

Habakkuk uses poetic imagery in verses 3-15 to recount God’s past salvation of Israel, primarily in the exodus from Egypt and the conquest of Canaan. Though the language is often more picturesque than obvious, to what specific events do you think he is referring?


APPLY—By the end of the book, Habakkuk’s faith has grown, although his circumstances haven’t changed. He closes by declaring that the Lord is his source of joy, even if he loses everything else. If you had written verse 17, you probably wouldn’t have used Habakkuk’s agricultural references. What symbols of a fulfilled life would you list? Which of these is most difficult to consider losing? Do you believe that God is enough for you, even if those things were gone?


Wash the Inside

Christians care a lot about behavior.

Usually, it’s with good intentions. We want to “do the right thing,” we want to “honor God,” and “not sin.” But why are our efforts oftentimes externally focused? We want to wash up the outside without worrying about the inside. Is this because it seems easier to us – a prescription we can easily follow without having to do any real work on our hearts?

A Pharisee, known for adherence to behavioral expectations, was astonished when Jesus did not follow the customary practice of washing himself before their meal. But Jesus responded with his own exhortation:

“Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside also? But give as alms those things that are within, and behold, everything is clean for you.”

– Luke 11:37-41

The problem with this “outside” approach is that it’s not very effective. How crazy would it be to take a dingy cup and wash only the outside, then drink from the dirty inside?

And yet, this is what we do!

When struggling with a pattern of behavior, a deeply ingrained habit, a sin struggle, we tell ourselves to just stop it. Does that ever work? As a counselor and a small group leader, I’ve seen this approach (and its failure) many times over the years. People think, “I need to just stop it!” But before they know it, they are back to the habit. I have done this myself, hoping to address the outside instead of washing the inside, and finding defeat. People scrub the outside of the dish over and over again, only to continue drinking from the dirty inside.

But, there is another serious problem with trying to clean only the outside: this approach is not biblical; it is not what God calls us to do. In fact, Jesus called out the Pharisees for this “outer only” technique. The Pharisees were all about cleaning the outside. They were big on religious rituals and ceremonial cleanliness and rule-following. They loved appearances, they loved praise from men, and from the outside they looked great. But, they thought their outer washing outweighed what was going on in their hearts. They thought that by putting on a good front, they were excused to think and feel whatever they wanted.

In the passage from Luke above, when Jesus says “give as alms those things that are within,” he means for the Pharisees, as well as us, to give offerings from the heart. An alm is an old-school term that usually refers to something material like food or money, given to the poor. But in this instance, Jesus speaks of the gifts that come from within: goodwill, love, grace, and pure motivations and thoughts. Everything we have to offer on the inside make that gift worthy to God before it comes out. Instead of focusing on the outside and what everyone else sees, God asks us to look within first.

This is the secret behind real and lasting change. With God at the helm, we clean the inside of the dish (our hearts and minds) surrendering it to him, and then the outside (our actions and words) follows.

A little over a decade ago, I was trying to address my sin struggles and really surrender my life to Jesus. I was angry, hurting, and hopeless, but a turning point came when I heard a sermon reminding me I was a new creation in Christ.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

– 2 Corinthians 5:17

When we accept Christ as our sacrifice and savior and receive salvation in him, a monumental change happens within us. We truly become different – no longer under the dominion of sin. That fateful sermon was the first of many times I found myself crying as I realized my new identity, because the truth of God’s word was coming alive in my heart. In other words, I believed – I believed in Jesus and who I am as a result – and my heart began to change.

It starts with repentance.

Bring the inside of your dirty dish to him. Believe in his goodness and his forgiveness, and the result will be obedience. Your dish will be clean on the outside. This process of repenting and believing should never end, throughout your lives. When our lives are about repenting and believing, this is when what we do becomes something more.

It becomes redemption.


16: Season 1 Recap

A look back at Season 1 of Who’s in the Bible? with highlights, what we’ve learned, and a few things you can expect in Season 2.


A Study of Micah: The Disciplining Love of God

In the summer 2020 message series “For the Love,” the Clear Creek Community Church Teaching Team will examine one of the least known sections of the Bible, the books known as the Minor Prophets, to better understand the great love of God and our faithful response to that love. Join with us in reading each book along the way! Each Sunday afternoon we will post an introductory video by The Bible Project and a 5-day reading plan with reflection questions to prepare you to hear the following Sunday’s message.

DAY 1—Read Micah 1-2

The book of Micah begins with a description of the coming of the Lord—and it is anything but comforting. Who is the Lord coming to judge in 1:1-9? What is their crime? Why is it significant that the Lord’s coming will tread on and melt the “high places” (v. 3)?

In Chapter 2, Micah continues to detail the guilt of his people, transitioning his focus from their sins against the Lord to their sins against their neighbors. What actions are they accused of in 2:1-3?

APPLY—Despite their patterns of idolatry and exploitation, God promises that they will not be completely consumed by the coming judgment. What image does he use to describe the future remnant of Israel in 2:12-13? How do we see this promise fulfilled in the coming of Christ (John 10:11-17, Mark 6:34)? What comfort do you gain from Jesus’ promise to guide and lead his people?



DAY 2—Read Micah 3:1-4:8

What political and religious leaders does Micah indict in Chapter 3? Of what sins are these groups accused, and how will they be punished for their actions?

The sinful actions of Israel’s leaders result in devastating judgment not only for them, but for the nation itself. How have they been building Jerusalem (the capital city) and Zion (the hill on which the temple stood) in 3:9-10? How will the judgment of God reverse their work (v.12)?


APPLY—Chapter 7 begins with a promise of restoration by contrasting the future preeminence of Mount Zion with both the devastation of the preceding verses and the idolatrous high places of Micah’s day. Why is it significant that all nations will be welcomed and taught on the mountain of the Lord (Acts 13:47-49)? How have you experienced peace and rest as you learn his ways and “walk in the name of the Lord our God” (v. 5)?



DAY 3—Read Micah 4:9-5:15

Today’s reading contains an extended image comparing God’s people to a woman enduring labor pains—great suffering leading to a glorious outcome. What suffering will the nation endure (4:10)? How do we see the promise of Micah 5:2 fulfilled in the coming of Jesus (Matthew 2:1-11)?

Chapter 5 ends with a description of the actions that the Lord will take to turn his people’s hearts back to worship of him. What will he take away from them (v. 10-14)? How is this both a punishment and an act of grace?


APPLY—Micah 5:4-5a contains a beautiful description of Jesus’ reign over our lives as a benevolent and majestic Shepherd-King. How has an awareness of both his strength and compassion brought security and peace to you? What can you do today to grow your awareness of his goodness amid life’s distractions and difficulty?



DAY 4—Read Micah 6

Micah utilizes the structure of a court case in Chapter 6. Who has been accused of a crime? Who has been wronged? Who are the judges?

God’s history of faithfulness serves to underscore Israel’s guilt in rebelling against his covenant. Of what good works on their behalf does God remind them? (See Exodus 7:1-5, Exodus 14, Numbers 22-24, Joshua 4) What do these stories reveal about his character—and about theirs?


APPLY—Micah 6:8 is probably the best-known verse in this book, but it is often quoted devoid of context. In verses 6-7, Micah is putting words into the mouth of the defiant people of God, sarcastically complaining about the seeming impossibility of pleasing God without even realizing that they have completely misunderstood what will actually honor him. What spiritual or religious behaviors do you sometimes believe will help you to earn God’s favor? What might it look like to instead “do justice, and love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God”?



DAY 5—Read Micah 7

Chapter 7 is in many ways more personally vulnerable than Micah has been so far. What image does he use in verse 1 to help the reader feel his sorrow? What is the source of his despair (v. 2-6)? What is the source of his hope (v. 7)?

As Micah identifies with his nation, he also comes face-to-face with his own sin. Yet his hope is found in God’s forgiveness rather than attempting to assert his own innocence (v. 8-9). How is Micah’s response an example for his people (and for us) when enduring God’s discipline?


APPLY—God displays both his commitment to justice and his unfailing covenant-keeping love in the closing verses of Micah.  While his holiness demands that sin be punished, he promises future compassion because of his promises to Abraham and Jacob (Genesis 17:1-8, 28:10-15). How are God’s justice and mercy both displayed at the cross, according to Colossians 2:13-14? How does this reality shape how you relate to God as Savior?


15: Joseph, pt. 2

Genesis concludes with the story of Joseph in Egypt. Far from his family and stuck in prison. What will happen?


A Study of Amos: The Faithful Love of God

In the summer 2020 message series “For the Love,” the Clear Creek Community Church Teaching Team will examine one of the least known sections of the Bible, the books known as the Minor Prophets, to better understand the great love of God and our faithful response to that love. Join with us in reading each book along the way! Each Sunday afternoon we will post an introductory video by The Bible Project and a 5-day reading plan with reflection questions to prepare you to hear the following Sunday’s message.

DAY 1—Read Amos 1-2

Amos begins with a description of its author and the impetus behind his ministry. Where is Amos from, and what did he do before becoming a prophet (v. 1)? God’s voice was so loud in Amos’ ears that he couldn’t ignore it (v. 2). What might this tell us about who God uses to do his work?

Today’s reading is a series of oracles containing God’s promise to judge various nations. What similarities and differences do you see in both the judgments they will endure and the reasons for God’s condemnation?


APPLY—The nation of Israel is the recipient of the longest of Amos’ oracles in today’s reading, and the remainder of the book will continue to address them. In the midst of this condemnation, the Lord reminds them of his past faithfulness to rescue them (v. 9-11). How can remembering our past experiences of receiving grace lead us to repentance and transformation? What works of God in your life do you need to remember today?



DAY 2—Read Amos 3-4

Chapter 3 contains a series of rhetorical questions, some of which may feel unfamiliar to a modern reader. What is the implied answer to all of these questions? Why is the culminating question (v. 6b) difficult for us? What is God claiming sovereignty over?

In Chapter 4, Amos utilizes a colorful image to describe the wealthy women of Samaria. To what animal does he compare them? For what actions have they earned God’s condemnation?


APPLY—Amos 4 outlines the Lord’s varied attempts to bring his people back to repentance: plenty and famine, health and pestilence, kindness and discipline. Looking back on your life, what are some circumstances—both good and bad—that God has used to draw you to himself? How can even difficulties in our life be evidence of God’s kindness and grace?



DAY 3—Read Amos 5-6

Compare Amos 5:5 and 5:14. What are the Israelites told to seek, and what will be the result if they do? In what way are these verses equivalent? How does God define goodin this chapter?

Chapter 5 ends with the Lord’s condemnation of the Israelite’s religious practices. Why would God hate something that he had commanded them to do (Isaiah 1:11-17)? What does verse 24 proclaim to be God’s greater priority?


APPLY—Chapter 6 can be hard to read from an American perspective, where even the poorest among us can still be considered wealthy on a global scale. The Israelites’ enjoyment and comfort are not sins, but symptoms—how do verses 8 and 12 show the underlying reasons for the coming judgment? In what ways do we need to examine our lives, repent, and pursue humility and justice?



DAY 4—Read Amos 7-8

Amos is given three visions of judgment in Chapter 7. How does Amos react to the first two predictions of disaster (v. 1-6), and how does God respond to his pleas? In contrast, Amos’ third vision illustrates Israel’s failure to meet God’s standard of righteousness. What is different about Amos’ response to this vision?

Chapter 7 ends with a narrative, breaking from the poetic forms of the remainder of the book. Who is Amaziah, and what does he demand that Amos do? What do you think is at the root of Amos’ fearless response?


APPLY—Amos 8:11-12 predicts a coming famine—not of food or water, but a loss of hearing God’s voice. The people of God experienced 400 years of silence between the prophet Malachi and the appearance of John the Baptist, during which no prophets spoke and no new revelation was given. We are blessed to have unlimited access to the entirety of God’s word—including a record of the life and teaching of the Word of God himself—yet at times we neglect the gift of being able to hear from him. What could you do today to build a habit of prioritizing time spent listening to his voice in his Word? How might that habit transform your life?



DAY 5—Read Amos 9

Verses 2-3 would have reminded Amos’ audience of Psalm 139:7-10, where David uses a similar structure to highlight God’s omnipresence as well. How are the implications of the Lord being with David different from the nation of Israel’s sobering experience here?

In verses 11-12, we get the first glimpse of any possibility of future restoration. What does Amos mean by “the booth of David”? How do we see this prophecy fulfilled in the coming of Jesus?


APPLY—Amos concludes with a promise of abundant future blessing: not just water, but wine; instead of bare ground, beautiful gardens; not simply survival, but endless flourishing. How do we as Christians alreadyexperience these spiritual blessings of abundance (John 10:10)? In what ways have we not yetreceived these blessings in their entirety (Revelation 22:1-5)? What can you do today to both turn to Christ for refreshment and fix your eyes on his future coming?