Tag Archive for: Podcast

101: The Surprising Impact of Studying Theology

Looking through the list of classes on clearcreek.org, there’s one that might sound a little intimidating — Systematic Theology. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen talks with Systematic Theology teachers, Yancey Arrington and Mandy Turner, to discuss what Systematic Theology is, why it’s important, and the surprising impact it has on those who study it.


Clear Creek Classes

Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem


100: Upcoming Preaching Changes

This fall we’re making a few changes to our services aimed at advancing our mission to lead unchurched people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. On the 100th episode of the Clear Creek Resources podcast, Ryan Lehtinen sits down with Bruce Wesley and Yancey Arrington to discuss what went into the decision to lengthen our services, shift to concurrent preaching at all campuses, and gradually move towards more live preaching.


099: Princess Culture — Toxic or Transformative?

From Snow White in 1937 to Raya in 2021, princess movies have entertained and influenced little girls for decades. But is this influence good or bad? On this episode, host Rachel Chester is joined by Chris Alston, West campus pastor, Dalena Ryskoski, a volunteer on Clear Creek’s Children’s Ministry oversight team, and Aaron Chester, Clear Creek’s “How to Study the Bible” class instructor, to discuss how these princess movies have changed over time and how they lead us to change as well.


098: Karate Kid, Crane Kicks, and the Craft of Perseverance

The original Karate Kid debuted in 1984 and has been inspiring kids, teenagers, and even adults ever since. From the lessons of Mr. Miyagi to the never-give-up attitude of Daniel Larusso, there’s something about this story that goes much deeper than the teenage drama and fighting bravado would have you believe. On this episode, Jon Coffey is joined by East 96 campus elder Vijay Rajaji, and fifth degree black belt Tiffany Ravedutti, to discuss the film and how it speaks about bullying, mentorship, perseverance, and more!

097: Ted Lasso on Cynicism, Marriage, and Leadership

When confronted with rudeness, anger, or disrespect, coach Ted Lasso responds with a friendly smile and encouraging remark without a hint of sarcasm or malice. There’s something winsome about this character, and yet there’s real pain in his heart. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen, Rachel Chester, Lance Lawson and Brad Loser discuss how Ted Lasso offers a refreshing contrast to the cynicism of our day, how marriage is worth fighting for, and how to lead others by genuinely caring for them.

**Please note that Ted Lasso is rated TV-MA and contains adult language, so use wisdom to determine if it is appropriate for you or your family. For discernment tips listen to episode 092: Watching Movies with a Christian Worldview.

096: The Avengers & the Gospel

It’s easy to get swept up in the cinematic universe of Marvel. With its wide range of superheroes and underdogs and its consistent humor and heart, there is something for everyone: spaceships, time travel, spies, and even romance. Beyond the fun and entertainment, these stories also evoke longings we all share like heroism, redemption, and a world rescued from evil.

In this episode, Rachel Chester sits down with Church on Wednesday pastor Lance Lawson, and Mandy Turner, who teaches Clear Creek’s Women’s Systematic class, to discuss their favorite Avengers and how these stories echo the Gospel.


095: Star Wars and the Hope We Have

It started with three movies in the late 70s and early 80s, but Star Wars has been a cultural mainstay ever since. So why does this story resonate with people from multiple generations? And what does this staying power say about the God-shaped hole in all of us? On this episode, Jon Coffey is joined by Yancey Arrington and Aric Harding to discuss all the things they love about Star Wars and the bigger story it echoes.


094: What Disney’s Soul Says About Purpose and Identity

“Is all this living really worth dying for?” asks 22 — a supporting character in Disney’s Soul. This is the primary question Soul seeks to answer throughout the movie, and it’s the question that many people wrestle with throughout their life. Is there a purpose to living? And if so, what is my purpose? On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen is joined by Aaron Lutz and Lance Lawson to discuss what the Bible says about this topic and how Soul portrays our purpose, identity, and the role of community.


093: Harry Potter & the Gospel

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone took the world by storm in the late 90s and then again in the early 2000s with its film adaptation. Over the decades that followed, enthusiasm for the series remained a constant in culture garnering millions of fans. But for all its support, the story also found itself mired in controversy over witchcraft and magic. In the first episode of the Clear Creek Resources summer series, Jon Coffey discusses Harry Potter, its tension, and the biblical truths it echoes with Rachel Chester, and Church on Wednesday campus elder, Daniel Garcia.


092: Watching Movies with a Christian Worldview

How do Christians engage movies, books, or songs that aren’t created by a Christian or explicitly Christian in its main message or themes? Is it okay to watch content that includes explicit language, violence, or sex? On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen is joined by Rachel Chester and Yancey Arrington to talk about these questions and more as they introduce the Clear Creek Resources summer podcast series on movies and the glimpses of gospel truths within them.