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A Study of Jonah: The Uncomfortable Love of God

In the summer 2020 message series “For the Love,” the Clear Creek Community Church Teaching Team will examine one of the least known sections of the Bible, the books known as the Minor Prophets, to better understand the great love of God and our faithful response to that love. Join with us in reading each book along the way! Each Sunday afternoon we will post an introductory video by The Bible Project and a 5-day reading plan with reflection questions to prepare you to hear the following Sunday’s message.

DAY 1—Read Jonah 1:1-6

The book of Jonah begins almost identically to many of the other prophetic books—Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah—but what follows is a stark contrast. What does the Lord call Jonah to do? What does Jonah do in response?


APPLY—Think of a time when you responded to God’s commands like Jonah, taking off in the opposite direction of the way that he called you to go. What did it take to bring you back to the path of obedience? What lessons did you learn through this experience about the benefits of following God? What did you learn about God’s love for you?


Jonah isn’t the only person in the Bible to fall asleep on a stormy sea. Read Luke 8:22-25. How do both stories demonstrate God’s sovereignty over not only the weather, but over all our lives?


DAY 2—Read Jonah 1:7-17

In Jonah’s day, many cultures used the casting of lots to discern the leading of their gods, including the people of Israel (see Joshua 7). When this method demonstrated Jonah’s guilt, what does Jonah ask the sailors to do? What does this reveal about Jonah’s state of mind? What does the sailors’ initial refusal to follow his suggestion tell us about their character?


When the story begins, the original Israelite audience would have expected to identify with Jonah, the man of God from their own culture. However, as the story has progressed, the pagan soldiers have shown more faith and obedience than the prophet himself. Compare verses 9 and 16. Who is truly fearing the Lord in this story? By what actions is this reverence demonstrated?


APPLY—The Israelites of Jonah’s day had taken the distinction of being God’s people and construed from that a mindset of superiority to the surrounding nations. Jonah’s story would have turned their worldview upside down as they saw his righteousness be surpassed by the pagan sailors. To what people or groups are you sometimes tempted to see yourself as superior: other races or nationalities, those with a different religion or socio-economic status, people who have made bad choices or are less gifted? Why is it difficult for us to even admit these feelings? How are these inclinations dangerous to our relationships with God and others?


DAY 3—Read Jonah 2

Many interpreters use the fish swallowing Jonah as a reason to disregard this book or to assume that it is merely a parable, finding it too fantastic to be believed. Do miraculous stories from Scripture tend to strengthen your faith or challenge it? How can we work through difficult texts like this in a way that leads to encouragement and growth?


After three days within the sea creature, Jonah turns to God in repentance and gratitude. Why do you think it took him so long to pray? How do his words demonstrate both a renewed faith and a greater desire for obedience?


APPLY—Amazingly, Jonah praises God with this beautiful hymn in celebration of God’s goodness while he is still in the belly of the fish. Can you remember a time when God gave you the grace to trust him in the midst of your pain and difficulty? How can our suffering lead us into a new awareness of his goodness and intimacy in his presence?


DAY 4—Read Jonah 3

Compare Jonah 3:1-3 with 1:1-3. How are these passages similar? What is different? What do you think is behind the change in Jonah’s response?


Jonah travels to Ninevah and preaches the Lord’s message of coming judgment. How do the people of Ninevah respond? Think back over our study of the Minor Prophets. How does Jonah’s message compare to the themes we’ve seen throughout these books? How does the people’s response compare to the response of the people of Israel when the prophets preached against their corruption and idolatry?


APPLY—When the king of Ninevah hears the word of the Lord, he responds with repentance and leads his people to do so as well. What specific commands does he give? In what ways is the king’s decree a model for our own repentance? What aspects of repentance do you tend to neglect: mourning, prayer, turning away from disobedience, etc.?


DAY 5—Read Jonah 4

In today’s passage, we finally hear why Jonah was initially resistant to God’s message. What did Jonah believe about God’s character (v. 2)? Read Exodus 34:5-7. Did Jonah have a good understanding of who God is?


Though Jonah responds to God’s forgiveness of the Ninevites with unseemly anger, God patiently teaches him a lesson using unexpected tools: a plant, a worm, and a wind. What is Jonah’s emotional response to this lesson? Emotions are powerful heart indicators. What makes you mad or sad or glad? What does that demonstrate about your values, priorities, and affections?


APPLY—The book of Jonah ends ambiguously with a question. Though seemingly directed at Jonah himself, the open-ended structure puts this question into the hands of the reader. As we’ve seen throughout, the book’s original audience would have been dismayed to see the Israelite prophet repeatedly demonstrate a lack of faith, while the pagans around him respond to God with repentance, humility, and trust. Like Jonah, do you have a hardness in your heart toward those in need of God’s mercy? To whom are you hesitant to reach out? What would it look like for your heart to reflect the grace and compassion that overflows from the heart of God?


Out of Darkness God Speaks

(adapted from Listen & Obey: Hearing God’s Voice)

The greatest movies, stories, and books all begin with a dramatic, attention-getting introduction, drawing you in from the very first scene. There is something so finely crafted, so confounding, so beautiful, so emotional, that you must find out what happens in the rest of the story. You are hooked.

The Bible begins with this kind of introduction. Perhaps you have heard or read it so many times that its dramatic effect seems to have been lost. But try to imagine the impact of reading those opening lines for the first time. The story of the Bible starts like this:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:1-2

The Bible opens with God Almighty presiding over his formless and empty creation. There is darkness. There is the dreadful and mysterious waters. And there is a dramatic silence.

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
Genesis 1:3

Out of the darkness and deafening silence God speaks. By his spoken word there is light, and not only light, but in the following verses the sun and stars, land and sea, even plants and animals of every kind come into existence by the word spoken from God. He commands that they exist, and they exist. The entire universe is created out of nothing by the voice of God.

One of the most important truths we learn in the opening verses of the Bible is that God is all-powerful and all-knowing beyond comprehension — and yet is knowable. In both the method and result of his creative work, the Father establishes a pattern of revelation: he speaks so that his creation might hear; he creates light so that his creation might see. He desires for us to know him and have a relationship with him. Imagine that. The Almighty Creator who spoke the universe into existence is not only actively involved in the affairs of creation but also personally involved with the people he created. He not only knows you but has made himself known to you.

When we find ourselves in a season where darkness and silence abound, we can be encouraged to know that the voice of God breaks through and brings light to our world.

Sometimes we so desperately want God to speak to us. The good news is he has…and he does. If you want to hear God’s voice, you must open God’s word.

The Bible itself is God’s word throughout history recorded for us in various forms. In the Old Testament, God spoke to his people by inspiring human spokesmen or prophets who would speak and write what God wanted said. God used a variety of people to speak in a variety of ways. He used narrative, law, poetry, prophesy, and wisdom. Some parts are easier to understand than others, but the point is this: God speaks. The Bible is the story of how by his Word he created the world, and by his Word he will redeem and restore the world.

If you’ve never read the Bible before or it has been a while, now is the best time to start. A great place to start is the Gospel of John, where you’ll read about the life and ministry Jesus. For additional aids, check out the resources at the Bible Project.

When you open the Bible, God opens his mouth.

Daily Dependence

Down the hall from where I sat on the hospital floor, my knees drawn into my chest, a medical team worked diligently to save my son, Bill.

My daughter-in-law turned to me and said, “Bill always tells me ‘Amy, God will sustain us.’” She repeated words that he’d used to encourage her: “Manna for today, Amy. Just manna for today.”

Often, in the days that followed, my husband, Dave, said, “We have what we need for today, let’s just be faithful and rest there.”

It is all too easy to believe in a God based on my own warped and self-centered thinking. But, I want to know God accurately and intimately as he reveals himself in Scripture, because what I believe about God completely influences how I behave and how I hope.

As I surrender to who God truly is, I have learned to ask daily,

LORD fill me with your Holy Spirit, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet and the full extension of my arms.  Teach my mind, control my emotions, and direct my will.  I want to know you; to be conformed to the image of your son; to be used by you to bring light and life. It’s your work LORD; I’d be honored to join you in it.

But, there are days and even seasons that I do not feel like God is using me to bring light and life to the world around me. Honestly, there are days that I do not even feel his presence. During those times I have learned what it means to fight for faith, to actively cultivate a daily dependence, and to know truth.

This truth undergirds trust.

The years leading up to the worst November of my life were full of loss. Both of my parents and the sweetest-mother-in-law-ever died, leaving Dave and I with no living parents. One of my sisters lost her struggle with drugs and alcohol. We unsuccessfully fought to save our business. We walked alongside dear friends as they lost a 21-year-old child to brain cancer. Close friends moved away.

There was so much loss.

Then we lost our son, Bill — a pain like no other.

A year later, on the very day that Dave was to speak at a close friend’s funeral, we were told that he himself had cancer which they described as inoperable, metastatic, high-risk, and aggressive.

I have feared that someone looking in on our lives would think that somehow, we had fallen out of favor with God — that surely, we were being punished by God for some major wrongdoing. But, I prayed that God would make himself look good to those watching. That they would see, as I know, that he is perfectly good and so very faithful.

God is sovereign and he knows and loves me personally.  There is tension in believing these things. But it is in this tension where trust is developed and dependence is practiced. It is here that I fight daily for my faith:

  • Study Scripture: I carefully and humbly seek to know truth with the help of the Holy Spirit and a community of other believers who are brave enough to be honest with me when my thinking gets skewed.
  • Reject False Gospels: I actively weigh my thoughts and beliefs, rejecting false gospels and recognizing old voices in my mind, seeking to replace lies with truth.
  • Pray as if it Matters: I trust that God the Father loves to hear his children pray, believing that God the Son makes every prayer pleasing and leaning on the Holy Spirit to help me as I pray.
  • Focus on the Eternal: I remind myself that temporal events are momentary; eternity is forever (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

Daily dependence is simply trust in action.

Throughout my day, I verbalize a particular concern and then look at it squarely and say, “Am I going to trust you with this, God?”

The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives me confidence that God loves me; therefore, I can focus on just taking the next right step. As I walk with Jesus, I trust that he is present, aware of every detail, and actively working to fulfill his purposes. He can be trusted. God is my loving father who takes great delight in his children and is completely dependable.

As much as I seek to avoid pain and trouble, I find it easier to cultivate a real daily dependence on God when I am desperate. The ugly truth is that when life is easy, happy, successful, and prosperous I tend to take credit for all the good and forget my need for the indwelling life of Christ. 

But, in daily dependence, I find intimacy with Christ. As I set my mind on him, I find hope, joy, and contentment.

My prayer is that you will also find abundant life in Christ and trust in him daily.


A Study of Obadiah: The Just Love of God

In the summer 2020 message series “For the Love,” the Clear Creek Community Church Teaching Team will examine one of the least known sections of the Bible, the books known as the Minor Prophets, to better understand the great love of God and our faithful response to that love. Join with us in reading each book along the way! Each Sunday afternoon we will post an introductory video by The Bible Project and a 5-day reading plan with reflection questions to prepare you to hear the following Sunday’s message.

**With our study of the book of Obadiah, we move back in time to the days of the conquest of Judah. Obadiah preaches not to the people of God, but to Edom, a nation bordering Judah to the south. This book is not only the shortest in the Old Testament — those numbers to read each day are verses, not chapters — but also one of the least popular to read.

DAY 1—Read Obadiah 1-4

Obadiah addresses two different audiences in these verses, which we can identify based on the pronouns used.  Who is us in verse 1? Who is her? Then in verses 2-4, Obadiah is addressing someone else: Who are I and you in this passage?

Obadiah’s original readers would have been familiar with Edom’s history, especially their interactions with the nation of Israel, with significant roots extending all the way back to the beginning of the Bible. Read Genesis 25:19-34. Who were Jacob and Esau? When Jacob had grown, God changed his name to Israel, and his twelve sons fathered the tribes that later formed that nation. What was Esau called (v. 30) that later became the name of his descendants’ country? What did the Lord predict would be the relationship between these two nations (v. 23)?


APPLY—How does the prophecy about Rebekah’s sons in Genesis 25 compare to Obadiah’s prophecy in v. 4? Have you ever been tempted to seek a greater glory for yourself than God has promised you? What difference can it make when we approach our tasks and accomplishments to bring glory to God rather than ourselves?



DAY 2—Read Obadiah 5-9

In today’s verses, Obadiah continues to describe the extent of the Lord’s wrath against Edom. What are some of the things and people that this nation will lose in the coming judgment?

Notice that Edom is repeatedly referred to as Esau or Mount Esau in this passage. Let’s read Genesis 27:1-28:5 to get a deeper idea of the roots of their relationship with Israel. How would you describe Jacob’s behavior in this passage? How does Esau respond to Jacob’s actions? What feelings does Esau have for his brother?


APPLY—Just as Jacob took away the blessing to which Esau felt he was entitled, so Obadiah predicts that the Lord will take away Edom’s treasures, wisdom, and might. How do you respond to a loss or lack of worldly success or possessions, especially when you see others who seem to prosper despite lacking integrity? What might it look like to completely trust God with both our abundance and scarcity?



DAY 3—Read Obadiah 10-14

This passage gives us the first clues to the reason that Edom has provoked God’s wrath. In v. 12-14 Obadiah frames his prophecy as a series of commands, but this is a condemnation of their past behavior. How did Edom respond to the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the people of Judah? What does this reveal about the attitude of their hearts toward their brothers?

Although Jacob was sent away to escape Esau’s wrath (and find a non-Canaanite wife), he eventually decides to return to his native land. Read Genesis 32:1-21 and 33:1-16 to see Jacob’s first meeting with Esau since his departure. How has Esau’s heart seemingly changed toward Jacob? What do Jacob’s words and behavior reveal about the state of his heart? What has shifted in the relationship between these brothers, and what has stayed the same?


APPLY—Jacob has returned to Canaan with increased wealth, family, and significance. Esau’s response is to rejoice rather than resent his brother’s good fortune. In contrast, the Edomites of Obadiah’s day only rejoiced over Israel’s destruction. How do you respond to the rise or fall of those with whom you have experienced conflict? What does your reaction reveal about your heart?



DAY 4—Read Obadiah 15-18

Obadiah’s prophecy now extends beyond the borders of Edom. What does he prophesy regarding the other nations of the world? How does that contrast with his message for God’s people in this passage?

The fraught relationship between Jacob and Esau continued long after their deaths, as seen in the ongoing interactions between the two nations of their descendants. During the Israelites’ journey from   Egypt to the Promised Land, they were forced to take an indirect route due to Edomite resistance (Numbers 20:14-21). After traveling far to the south to avoid Mount Seir, they then travelled through the far edge of Edom’s territory. Read Deuteronomy 2:1-8. In what ways does God affirm the nation of Edom? How does their story resemble that of Israel?


APPLY—In both passages that we read today, we see the Lord’s sovereignty over the rise and fall of both individuals and nations. Read Acts 17:24-31. What is Paul arguing here about God’s sovereignty over the nations and his purposes for us? Just as Obadiah did, Paul connects sovereignty with coming judgment. What might it look like when we trust God to be sovereign over our lives: our current circumstances, political turmoil, and ultimate judgment?



DAY 5—Read Obadiah 19-21

Obadiah concludes with a focus on Israel’s future rule over all the surrounding nations as a reconquering of an extended Promised Land. Verse 21 references “saviors” who will come to rule (literally, “judge”) over Edom, like the judges who led Israel before the days of the monarchy (Judges 2:16-19). Why do you think the Lord will utilize deliverers to lead his people rather than re-establishing the kings of Judah? Who will be the ruler of God’s people?

This passage clearly shows that Israel, despite their rebelliousness, will ultimately be redeemed and restored, while Edom’s story ends with judgment. Read Romans 9:9-16. What does Paul argue here about the differing outcomes of Jacob and Esau’s descendants? Though our human tendency is to cry out for “fairness”, in what way is God’s sovereign choice an act of merciful compassion?


APPLY—Obadiah’s prophecy was fulfilled first by Babylonian conquest of Mount Seir in 553 BC. The Edomites later became known as Idumeans and were eventually ruled by the Jews by the time of the birth of Christ, losing their identity as a separate culture or nation. But even in judgment, the mercy of God is clear. Read Mark 3:7-10. Can you spot the Edomites in these verses? Although God’s wrath took away their land and independence, this loss gave them the opportunity to follow Jesus during his earthly ministry, leading some to saving faith. How have you experienced God’s presence even in experiences of great difficulty?  How can suffering grow our character, compassion, and trust in Jesus?


A Pandemic of Fear

There are extreme emotions everywhere we look right now — anger, distrust, contempt, frustration, and so much fear. COVID-19 outbreaks, financial stress, uncertainty with school, murder hornets (come on now!), all dominate our thoughts.

There is no question that fear is as contagious as any virus, and this is all on top of the myriad of ways we face fear in normal, non-pandemic life circumstances.

Fear is not sin. Like all emotions, fear is a God-given response to the reality of our world. However, we can — and often do — sin in our fear when we lash out at those around us, numb ourselves with alcohol, drugs, or Netflix, or hide from life and people. When we place our trust in something other than God, our fear can master us, and then fear turns from a real (and helpful) emotion, to a source of pain, destruction, and isolation.

So what can we do? How can we, as Christians, approach and respond to fear in a way that honors God and edifies our community?


Search Your Heart

So often we experience anger, anxiety, contempt, and other powerful emotions that give us a sense of control over what’s really going on – the fact that we’re afraid. Doing this allows us to focus, often in a negative way, on other people and situations instead of what is happening in our own hearts.

This is when fear moves from a common and natural response, to something that cannot be controlled and can cause devastating harm. Instead of denying our fear, we must learn how to recognize the reality of fear, so that we can bring it into the light and respond in a way that honors God.

Recently my child was diagnosed with COVID-19. My initial response was anger at the place where she was exposed, frustration concerning how on earth we would manage our family of six for the next few weeks, and contempt toward the way others were responding to our situation.

But, what I finally had to acknowledge was a deep fear of what was happening – that my child was sick, that we all might be sick, and mostly, that someone else I love might have contracted COVID-19 and be put in serious harm because of us.

And there was nothing I could do about any of it.

I had to stop, breathe, and ask myself What is really going on? What am I reacting to and why? And then, I had to be willing to honestly discover the answer.


Allow Others In 

The simple act of speaking your fears out loud to another person has a transformative effect.

When I call my friend whom I can trust with my fears, a weight is lifted. Even if the threat isn’t gone, and even if I still am afraid, I am no longer carrying my burden alone and so the power of fear dissipates.

Reaching out to others with our fear takes courage. It requires vulnerability to admit that we are afraid, especially if we are the type of person who feels the need to be strong and in control, or maybe has been taught that fear equals weakness. But the truth is we are weak and we live in a broken world that we can’t thrive in alone. God created us to live in intimate relationship with each other. Neurobiologists calls this the “neurobiology of we,” describing the brain as a social organism. 1

We need each other to walk through valleys of fear.

When I finally acknowledged all of the fear in my heart, I immediately contacted my best friend. Describing all of the emotions I was feeling and admitting to the fear building in my heart left me feeling exposed, but immediately lighter. She was able to speak truth into my life, and she took on some the burden of my fear simply by loving me in that moment.

We need each other, always, but especially in difficult moments. If you can find the courage to truly be honest in community, facing fear can transform isolation into a pathway to intimacy and love.


Trust God 

Does trusting God mean that you will never experience fear again?


There are real dangers in this world, and emotions are a gift, not a curse. Instead, trusting God means that we have learned to take our fear to him — that we can trust God with our fear and everything that causes fear. Only when we cry out to God in these times can we find peace in his presence and learn to trust in his promises — promises that really are greater than any circumstance we will ever face.

In the difficult moments in life, we can choose to run away, or we can choose to run toward our Father.

Choosing to step into God’s presence, be filled by his Spirit, and pray to experience the peace of Christ has allowed me to not just make it through fear, but to find rest and purpose in the midst of it.

He is good, he is faithful, and he is present — and truly, that changes everything.

Run towards God with purposeful time in his word to remind yourself of his promises, and purposeful time in prayer to find rest in his presence.

God is for you, he is with you, and he is faithful to rescue you.


There is no reason to be ashamed of fear. To experience fear does not mean you are failing in your faith — don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. But fear can twist our hearts and minds in ways that hurt ourselves and others, and can lead us away from God instead of into his arms.

Like anything else, how we respond to fear is far more important than whether or not we experience it. Fear can rule us, or we can learn to respond to it well and lean on the one who rules over all.


1 – Siegel, Dan. Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation, 211.

Why the Church Needs Art

Over the last 10 years, I’ve been in search of the artist’s role within the church and culture. The one thing I have become undeniably certain of is that God is an artist, and he is misunderstood.

In Genesis, God created a beautiful, thriving world full of flourishing life.


What purpose did it serve?

What does the vibrant color of a geranium or the graceful dance of a sparrow on the wind achieve? How about the breathtaking display of Aurora Borealis or the intricate inner weavings of an orb weaver’s web? Couldn’t God have accomplished his plan without any of this?

In the last 100 years, the rise of industry (and subsequent consumerism) has shaped us into a productivity-driven people. We ask, “how can art help us accomplish our goals?” However, in asking this question, we have unknowingly chosen utilitarian pragmatism over human flourishing.

If God didn’t create in order to quicken his redemptive deadline, or multiply his end product, then why did he?

God is an artist. He didn’t just create people to save, but souls and a world to restore. Art, creativity, and beauty are not simply tools in the hand of a redemptive God, but instruments in the hands of a restorative Creator.

So, what does this mean for the role of art in the church?

We see, in Genesis, God create humans for two main purposes—to cultivate his creation, and to delight in his presence.

Often, this call to cultivate is separated from our invitation to delight and dwell with our creator. You see, our mandate is not just productivity, but, as the artist Makoto Fujimura says in Culture Care, “to infuse all of life with Christ’s presence.”(Fujimura, 2014, Called Beyond Utility section para. 13).

When we talk about art, whether song or dance, poetry or painting, design or directing, we are talking about something that can be extremely impactful, and yet is often deeply misunderstood.

Art is:

Universal – In any given city, art can affect a wide variety of people and cultures in a way nothing else can. Think about an old white man and young black woman sitting in the same theatre, enjoying the same film. Art has the ability to transcend age, race, or experiences, affecting people from all different walks of life in a profound way.

Vehicular – Art can take people to places they never imagined they could go. Think about the way you have felt after hearing a certain song, seeing a certain film, or reading a certain book. The creative work took you somewhere you had never been or took you back to a place or time you had been long before.

Persuasive – C.S. Lewis says that art can “steal past the watchful dragons” of the soul. Art stands at the border and welcomes in those who would normally resist the invitation to engage.

Motivational – We are not simply intellectual creatures, but also emotional beings. Art reveals the heart of any movement and sets people in motion and on mission.

Generous – It provides something beautiful without demanding anything in return.

See how impactful art can be? However, if we view ourselves as merely people of productivity, then all art can be distorted and reduced down to a means to an end.

We can use visual art to advertise our church, musical art to stick catchy phrases into people’s minds, and written art to teach our philosophies—and this type of art is useful. However, if beauty and creativity that transcend utility are seen as wasteful, we end up with an emaciated version.

Beauty is not just a means to an end, it is a pathway to revealing the heart of God.

In the gospel narratives, we are told of a woman who broke a costly bottle of perfume and began to anoint Jesus with it. As the glorious fragrance filled the house, the men who were present began to scold the woman for this reckless and wasteful act. To them, it was completely impractical. Jesus, however, stopped them and said:

“She has done a beautiful thing to me… and wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.”

– Matthew 26:10, 13

Jesus’ profound statement sheds light into our Creator’s heart. Why did Jesus make such a bold statement about this specific act?

Maybe this act wasn’t practical, but this sacrificial expression of creativity actually best conveyed the heart of the Gospel, and that was beautiful to Jesus.

Perhaps it reminded Jesus of how the Father created a world that he knew would be broken by sin, chose a people to reveal himself to who would reject him, and would give up his one and only son in a seemingly wastefully, but beautiful, creatively sacrificial expression of love, all for the sake of restoring what was once broken into something even more beautiful than it was before.

At first glance, the church needs art in order to be most productive (advertisement, music, design). However, if this is the only reason for art in the church than we have missed who our God is as a creator and reduced him to a CEO.

We would only need a staff of people who are talented instead of a church full of people who are gifted. God doesn’t just use art and beauty to accomplish a task, but for delight, wonder, enjoyment, depth, human flourishing, and ultimately to best exemplify redemption and restoration.

After years of searching, my conclusion is that the church, and culture as a whole, needs art in order to reveal to us the heart of God and the big picture of the Gospel; that Jesus did not come merely to buy us back from sin, but to bring us into flourishing freedom.


A Study of Malachi: The Healing Love of God

In the summer 2020 message series “For the Love,” the Clear Creek Community Church Teaching Team will examine one of the least known sections of the Bible, the books known as the Minor Prophets, to better understand the great love of God and our faithful response to that love. Join with us in reading each book along the way! Each Sunday afternoon we will post an introductory video by The Bible Project and a 5-day reading plan with reflection questions to prepare you to hear the following Sunday’s message.

** There is little information at the beginning of Malachi to help us set the prophet within his historical or biographical context: we don’t know his genealogy, nation, or king. However, scholars place his writing in the same location where it is found in our Bibles—at the end of the Old Testament period. Malachi, like Haggai and Zechariah, is a postexilic book, a message to the Jews who have returned to Jerusalem after their captivity.

DAY 1—Read Malachi 1

Today’s reading introduces us to a pattern found six times in the book of Malachi. The prophet will share a statement from the Lord, and then follow it with a question from the people, always prefaced by “But you say…” The Lord then responds to their question, usually by explaining or expanding on his initial statement. Look at verse 2. What is the Lord’s first statement? What question do they ask in response? What evidence does God give as proof of his love?

Verse 6 begins this claim-question-response pattern again, with an accusation from the Lord against his priests. Of what is he accusing them? Read Leviticus 22:17-25. What had the Lord commanded regarding sacrifices made to him?


APPLY—Just as the people of Judah were giving God what was of little value, so we too often struggle to surrender that which is costly to us. What are you tempted to hold back from God: time, energy, home, money, control, relationships? Read Hebrews 9:11-14. Jesus is our true and better unblemished sacrifice. How might a deeper recognition of his willing gift fill us with the desire to respond in joyful sacrifice as well?



DAY 2—Read Malachi 2:1-16

Our passage continues Malachi’s indictment of the priests, exposing their failures by describing an ideal, faithful priest. What priestly traits are described in verses 5-7? Which of these characteristics is missing from the priests in Malachi’s day, evidenced by their failure to maintain God’s standards for worship?

The prophet’s attention then expands to the whole nation, accusing them of faithlessness, with the third example of Malachi’s claim against the people and their questioning response in verse 14. In addition to their failure to offer unblemished animals, why else has the Lord disregarded their offerings? How can a lack of faithfulness to God result in faithlessness in our other relationships?


APPLY—Malachi called the priests of his day to repentance by contrasting them with the image of a truly faithful priest. Read Hebrews 5:7:10. How does Jesus fulfill Malachi’s depiction as our true and better high priest? Now read 1 Peter 2:9—what difference does it make that we are all part of his priesthood as well? In what ways are you, like the priests of Malachi’s day, responsible to proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light?



DAY 3—Read Malachi 2:17-3:5

Chapter 2 ends with Malachi’s familiar pattern, describing the complaints that God’s people are bringing before him. Judea in Malachi’s day was neither prosperous nor independent, ruled by foreigners and enduring difficulty. Why do you think Malachi describes their words as wearying to God? Compare their complaints amid suffering to Habakkuk 1:12-13. What similarities and differences do you see in their responses to the Lord?

God’s response to their complaints about his seeming inactivity is to promise a coming messenger. Read Mark 1:1-8. Who does this passage describe as fulfilling Malachi’s prophecy? What message did he preach to prepare the people for Jesus’ coming (Mark 1:4)?


APPLY—Just as John the Baptist called God’s people to repentance, so Malachi reminds them of the promise that the Lord’s coming will not only bring restoration but also judgment. How does he call them to reflect God’s heart for holiness and justice? If you sincerely evaluate your life, are you faithfully seeking to speak out against and work to end the injustice that Malachi denounces in this passage?



DAY 4—Read Malachi 3:6-12

God reminds the people of his commitment to the covenant with the evidence of his own unchanging character, that despite their continued faithlessness he has remained faithful. Think back on the other Minor Prophets and any knowledge you have of the Old Testament as a whole. What are some examples of God’s people failing to be faithful to him? Though their failures have been continual and catastrophic, he reminds them that he will never abandon his people. How can they restore the covenant relationship, according to verse 7?

As we have seen throughout this book, the people once again question Malachi’s message. What two questions do they ask? How does the Lord answer them? Read Leviticus 27:30-32. What had God commanded the Israelites to do with a tenth of their income? Why might the people have been disobedient to this command?


APPLY—Malachi’s message is not only an accusation but also a promise: their faithful obedience to give will result in blessed abundance. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-11, where Paul brings a similar plea for sacrificial generosity to the church at Corinth. How does this differ from a prosperity gospel that requires God to bestow financial rewards on those who fulfill certain obligations, like a great vending machine in the sky? What does Paul argue is the purpose behind any blessings we might receive (v. 11)?



DAY 5—Read Malachi 3:13-4:6

Malachi’s final claim-question-response closely echoes the attitude of 2:17—a complaint against the difficulties of following God when it seems that the godless are prosperous. However, in verse 16 we see the first positive response to Malachi’s message. What characteristic sets this group apart? What did they do to demonstrate their repentance and faith? How does the Lord respond to them?

Malachi then reminds his listeners that the coming day of the Lord will be a completely different experience for the faithless and faithful. What will the wicked receive on that day? What will those who fear God experience?


APPLY—Would your name have been found in the list of those who fear the Lord and esteem his name? It is all too easy for us to see the depths of our own sin, desiring our own glory and fearing the opinions of others more than the Lord’s. Read Revelation 20:11-15. We know that on the day of judgment, books will be opened: books of all our deeds, books that will reveal how we have used our time and treasures on earth. But the book of life will also be opened on that day, and praise God that the names written there are not based on any goodness of our own, but only because of the righteousness of Jesus on our behalf.  What will be the only chance of rescue on that day (Revelation 20:15)? What is our motivation to continue to pursue holiness when we recognize this gospel of grace?


The Return from Exile: Life in the Already/Not Yet

The current Clear Creek Community Church message series For the Love of God is walking through the Old Testament books known as the Minor Prophets. These books continually point back to the covenant between God and Israel, including the blessings and curses inherent to it. Israel was to be God’s chosen people through whom all the nations would be blessed. They were set apart as a light to all nations, but they continually failed to pursue holiness, turning instead to idols and impurity.

The distinction between minor and major is one helpful way to categorize the different prophetic writings. Another way to distinguish between the Old Testament prophets is to know when they wrote in relation to one of the key events in salvation history—the exile of God’s people from the Promised Land.

The prophets Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi are all considered postexilic because they were written after the nation of Israel returned to Jerusalem after nearly 70 years of exile in Babylon. Their removal from the land marks a relationship-altering moment in the story of God’s covenant with his people.

The covenant was broken, God’s patience and faithfulness were disregarded, and his presence and promises were rejected. The dire warnings of the prophets came to pass. The people of God lost their land, their national identity, and the temple where the presence of God resided, and were cast into foreign nations under Babylon’s rule.

But God’s faithfulness is perfect.

Cyrus the Great of Persia conquered Babylon and allowed the Jewish captives to return to their land (you can read about this in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah).

The remnant of Judah returned home to begin life again, but the return home was not complete.

The land that the Israelites returned to dwell in was only a small portion of what they ruled over before the exile. More importantly, the land was no longer ruled by a king in the line of David. They had returned, but were still living under the rule of a foreign nation. The destroyed temple would be rebuilt, but it would never compare to its former splendor (Haggai 2:3). And the question lingered, if the presence of God had departed the temple (Ezekiel 10), would it ever return?

With all these postexilic changes to the life of the people of God, unfortunately, one constant was that the people continued to falter in their faithfulness to God.

Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, shows us that the people who made the journey back from exile demonstrated the same attitude that led to the exile in the first place. Although God continually reminded Israel that they were loved and rescued by God’s grace, they were marked by a cold forgetfulness toward God.

 “I have loved you,” says the LORD. But you say, “How have you loved us?”

– Malachi 1:2

Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi were sent to preach of repentance and blessing, of redemption and restoration still to come. They called God’s people to look beyond their current circumstances to the coming of the Messiah.

Despite the call of the prophets, these postexilic realities were part of the world Jesus entered into centuries later. The spiritual condition of the people had not changed, and the descendants of Abraham were still under foreign oppression. This is seen most clearly in final days of Jesus life in the exchange between the Jewish leaders and the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate (see John 18-19). Although Jesus was betrayed by His own people, it was on a Roman cross where the true King of the Jews was crucified.

Yet, on a cross made by Israel’s foreign oppressor we see the climax of God’s loyal love for Israel and all of humanity. God had remained faithful to restore his good creation through Jesus the true and faithful Israelite.

For all the promises of God find their Yes in [Jesus].

– 2 Corinthians 1:20

The postexilic prophets offer us both warning and hope, for we are also experiencing a reality that is alreadyand not yet. We long for the future return of Jesus, when everything will be made new and we will reside in the new heavens and earth under the perfect reign of Christ, finally free from death, suffering, and darkness. But while we can identify with the postexilic era, a time that required faith and hope, we are also different — the presence of God has returned and we know how the story ends.


The Messiah has come.

He saves us, indwells us, and sustains us.

He reigns.

And he will return.


While we remember and hope in God’s faithfulness, let us also rest in the presence and power of God made available to us through Jesus, who fulfills the covenant, brings us home, and makes all things new.


Which Political Party is Right?

Political issues in election years raise our blood pressure and hijack our dinner conversations. But that’s because we care about issues and the future of our country. Another conversation that regularly surfaces in this season is whether a local church should be political. In some churches, candidates stand at the pulpit and make promises to those in the pews. Some church leaders go so far as to endorse candidates. You won’t see either of those things happen at Clear Creek Community Church.

I want you to know why, so I want to restate something I said in an article some years ago about the attitude we take toward politics, parties, and candidates.

Whether or not you agree, I hope you understand. – Bruce

Are you a Democrat or a Republican? Maybe you’re an Independent. Which political party is the Christian party? Which political persuasion is right?

The Bible doesn’t say.

I know. You might be ready to fight over this one. After all, don’t Christians believe in caring for the poor? Don’t Christians believe abortion is evil? Don’t Christians believe in personal responsibility? Don’t Christians believe in social justice?

Each belief tends to be associated with one party more than another. Democrats are known for their emphasis on social justice. Republicans are known for their emphasis on personal responsibility. The Bible is clear that abortion, greed, racism, and oppression are wrong—each is sin. Each is associated with one party more than another. That’s why some Democrats says, “I don’t know how you can call yourself a Christian and vote Republican.” That’s why some Republicans say, “I don’t know how you can call yourself a Christian and vote Democratic.”

Part of the political gridlock and vitriol in America is reinforced by Christians who confuse their faith with their politics. Your blood pressure might have just gone up about ten points, but hear me out. I’m not saying that our faith does not influence all of our life, including our politics. I disagree with politicians that say their faith will not influence their politics; I would argue that if that’s true, their faith isn’t much good.

So then, what do I mean when I say it’s a problem to confuse faith with politics?

Your political persuasion is about a philosophy of government. What role does the government play in a society? For instance, Democrats often see the brokenness in our society as rooted in broken systems. Democrats emphasize the government’s role in addressing injustices and social problems through restoring broken systems, and thus, Democrats tend to want a larger government because they believe it will make for a better America.

On the other hand, Republicans often see the brokenness in our society as being rooted more in broken people than in broken systems, so they emphasize a smaller government that calls upon personal responsibility in the private sector to solve problems.

The Bible speaks to social justice and personal responsibility; it speaks to broken systems and broken people. But the Bible does not provide a template for which of those matters should or should not be addressed by the government. Christians are free to believe in large government or small government. And if you do not allow such freedom, you have confused your faith with politics. Some followers of Jesus are Republicans and some are Democrats because of their philosophy of the role of government in a society. But both must find their identity in Jesus Christ and not their political preferences. Both must look to scripture as the authority for what they believe and not to a party platform.

At Clear Creek Community Church, we do not endorse parties or candidates, and we don’t think any gospel-preaching church should. And it’s not because we are spineless or unwilling to take a stand. Listen up. This is our stand. The gospel of Jesus Christ is our message, and the timeless and eternal message of the gospel is too important to get lost amidst political conversations and preferences. If we go political, some will not hear the most important message in the world. Here’s the shorthand version:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

– John 3:16 (ESV)

An eternity from now, no one will be talking about who is president or which political party you prefer; everyone will be talking about Jesus and his amazing grace toward us.

Don’t confuse moral and ethical issues with political parties. The church must address moral and ethical matters, and some will misunderstand a moral stance as being political. Life is sacred, so abortion is murder. If someone interprets that as a political statement, they are exposing their worldview as being fundamentally political. With a Christian worldview, that’s a biblical position about the value of human life.

As we take a stand on issues, sometimes we will sound like a Republican and sometimes we will sound like a Democrat. For instance, we embrace justice issues that might make us look like a Democrat. We embrace personal responsibility issues that make us look like a Republican. Either way, we submit to the words of our true authority, Jesus, regardless of how that looks politically.

Let me be clear: Christians should be fully engaged in the political process.

We need Christians to be politicians. We must vote. We must pray about and seek to influence the outcomes of elections, laws and policies. But we must not think for a moment that politics is our ultimate hope. No matter who sits in the oval office, Jesus Christ sits on the throne in God’s eternal Kingdom.

He is our Lord.

He is our hope.


A Study of Haggai: The Secure Love of God

In the summer 2020 message series “For the Love,” the Clear Creek Community Church Teaching Team will examine one of the least known sections of the Bible, the books known as the Minor Prophets, to better understand the great love of God and our faithful response to that love. Join with us in reading each book along the way! Each Sunday afternoon we will post an introductory video by The Bible Project and a 5-day reading plan with reflection questions to prepare you to hear the following Sunday’s message.

DAY 1—Read Haggai 1:1-11

Haggai preached his message to God’s people during the same period as Zechariah. Which leaders does he address by name? What is he calling for the people to do? What have they been prioritizing instead (v. 4)?

Haggai’s language in this passage mirrors the covenant curses described by Moses in the Law. Read Deuteronomy 28:15-24. What difficulty was Haggai’s audience enduring, and how does this mirror the curses predicted in Deuteronomy? In what way was their failure to rebuild the temple equivalent to failure to keep their covenant with the Lord?


APPLY—In what ways do we tend to prioritize our own cares and concerns over the priorities of the kingdom? Read Matthew 6:25-33. What would need to change if you began to seek his kingdom first, walking by faith rather than fear?




DAY 2—Read Haggai 1:12-15

In yesterday’s reading, Haggai preached a strong word of rebuke and correction. How do his listeners respond? How do both their attitudes and behaviors change? How do you typically respond to spiritual correction?

While enduring famine, the people may have believed that God was against them. Without a temple, they may have believed that God was absent from them. But God responds to them with another message through the prophet: I am with you. How would this assurance have comforted and encouraged Haggai’s listeners? Read Matthew 1:23 and 28:20b. How does Jesus’ identity as Immanuel comfort and encourage you?


APPLY—In the Old Testament, the temple was the place where sacrifices were made for God’s pleasure and where his presence was most clearly seen (2 Chronicles 5:1-14). How have you, like the people of Judah, failed to seek his presence and his pleasure? How do you need to respond today with repentance and belief?




DAY 3—Read Haggai 2:1-9

In verse 3, Haggai anticipates the people’s disappointment with the temple’s construction. As we see when the foundation was laid in Ezra 3:12-13, those who were old enough to remember Solomon’s temple can clearly see that this building will never compare with its splendor. What three commands does God give to them in response to their disappointment (v. 4-5)?

Verse 9 is a key verse for the book of Haggai. How do you think the people would have understood this promise? Read Luke 2:21-33. How was the glory and peace of God manifested at the temple in this passage—in a way that Haggai’s listeners would never have expected?


APPLY—At the temple, the Lord’s glory was evident to all because his presence was there. Read John 2:18-22. In what way is Jesus the true and better temple? Why does it matter to us that Jesus is now the place where God’s presence is most clearly found—where, the Lord declares, in this place I will give peace?




DAY 4—Read Haggai 2:10-19

How much time has passed since Haggai’s last prophecy (2:1)? Since his first prophecy (1:1)? What group is the intended audience of this oracle?

Haggai asks the priests about the laws regarding ritual cleanliness, especially the ease by which uncleanness can spread (Numbers 19:11,22). Have the nation’s offerings so far been holy or unclean? What have been the results of their lack of holiness (2:16-17)?


APPLY—The people of Jerusalem are stuck in an unclean state. Because there is no one among them who is clean, the priests, their sacrifices, and the temple construction itself are contaminated. However, the Lord responds to the start of the temple construction with a clear message: from this day on, I will bless you (v. 19). They still haven’t managed to cleanse themselves through good works, but their repentance is evident in both their hearts and actions. God’s response to this is mercy: a blessing that they don’t deserve. How have you experienced the mercy of God? How can it transform our lives when we see his blessings as a gift we don’t deserve, rather than something our behavior has earned?




DAY 5—Read Haggai 2:20-23

How much time has passed since Haggai’s last prophecy? Who is he addressing this time? What does Haggai prophesy about the surrounding nations?

What metaphor does the Lord use to describe Zerubbabel’s future state? Zerubbabel was not only the governor of Judea appointed by the Persian emperor—he was also the heir to David’s throne, grandson of Jeconiah who was carried away to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar. Read Jeremiah 22:24-30. In what way is Haggai’s prophecy a reversal of Jeremiah’s proclamation?


APPLY—Although he was revered as a noble leader of his people, Zerubbabel never sat on David’s throne or saw Judea free from foreign rule. Read Matthew 1:12-16. How did Zerubbabel’s faith lead to David’s heir finally being enthroned? Have you ever experienced a delayed arrival of a promised blessing? What are you still waiting for right now? How can it make a difference when we wait in faith for God to move rather than demanding his immediate action?