35: Bible Reading Recap – Hebrews 1-4 & Psalm 6

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester begin walking through the book of Hebrews.

In what is essentially a first century sermon, Hebrews describes and meditates on the majesty of all Jesus is and all he has done for his people.

The Creator and Sustainer of the universe, the greater and final prophet, the exact image of God, the High Priest and King who mediates for all and rules over all . . . and that’s only the first four verses.

BONUS EPISODE: Bible Reading Recap – Matthew 28 & The Sermon on the Mount

On this BONUS episode of the Bible Reading Recap podcast, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the resurrection of Jesus and the Great Commission that concludes the gospel of Matthew.

The end of the gospel takes us back to the beginning and the heart of Jesus’ teaching and mission – the Sermon on the Mount.

34: Bible Reading Recap – Matthew 22-27

In this episode Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the final days in the life of Jesus.

Jesus prepares his disciples for what he knows must happen, prays for strength, and then confronts the power and evil of the world in his trial and crucifixion.

33: Bible Reading Recap – Matthew 17-21 & Psalm 88

Jesus finally openly reveals who he is to his disciples and then the world as he continues to heal the sick, rebuke the religious hypocrites, and teach about his upside down kingdom.

In this episode, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the meaning of Jesus’ words and actions and how it all impacts us today.

32: Bible Reading Recap – Matthew 12-16 & Psalm 91

On this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss continue discussing the gospel of Matthew.

Jesus teaches what the kingdom looks like, cares for the crowds with unending compassion, and invites his disciples deeper into faith and trust.

31: Bible Reading Recap – Matthew 6-11

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss Matthew, chapters 6-11.

Jesus concludes the famous Sermon on the Mount, shows us how to pray, teaches, heals, and invites all who are weary to find rest in him.

30: Bible Reading Recap – Matthew 1-5 & Psalm 8

On this episode of the Bible Recap Podcast, we begin the gospel of Matthew!

Ted Ryskoski, Bruce Wesley, and Rachel Chester discuss the backgrounds and themes of this particular gospel and the surprising, beautiful message of Jesus.

29: Bible Reading Recap – 2 Timothy 5, Titus, & Philemon

On this episode of the Bible Recap Podcast, Ted Ryskoski, Rachel Chester, and Chris Alston recap 2 Timothy 4, Titus, and the book of Philemon, the last of Paul’s letters to the church we will read this year.

They discuss the weight of leading in the church and the glimpse into Paul’s heart as he pastors and faces the end of his life.

28: Bible Reading Recap – 1 Timothy 5, 2 Timothy 1-4, & Psalm 15

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Rachel Chester, and Matt Sherman discuss the final letters from the apostle Paul that are included in the Bible.

What are the practical implications of the church being the family of God?

How can we be both a generous people and also protect the church from selfish greed?

How does the gospel re-orient our relationships, beliefs, and actions today?

26: Bible Reading Recap – 1 Thessalonians 3-5, 2 Thessalonians 1-2, & Psalm 24

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Rachel Chester, and Daniel Swafford discuss Paul’s letters to the church in Thessalonica.

In what is most likely the apostle’s oldest letters, Paul encourages these new believers who are enduring great persecution.

How can the church then and now remain hopeful and holy in the midst of a hostile and broken world?