When Jesus commissioned his people to “Go and make disciples,” in Matthew 28:19, he was telling us to bring the gospel, not only to the ends of the earth, but also everywhere we go in our normal, everyday lives. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen talks with campus pastors, Chris Alston and Karl Garcia, about how they intentionally and authenticity engage in relationships with people around them.
https://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/zac-cain-jLzukAj_PhQ-unsplash-scaled.jpg13652048Clear Creek Resourceshttps://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/CCResources-1-300x74.pngClear Creek Resources2021-11-14 05:30:592024-02-16 11:24:20113: Cigars, Grilling, and Missional Living
Life is busy. We invest in our jobs, kids, and future, but sometimes marriage ends up on the back burner. How can we invest in the one God has given us and why does it matter? On this episode Rachel Chester sits down with Bruce and Susan Wesley as they share how they seek to know and love each other and how a strong marriage shapes the rest of life.
https://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/priscilla-du-preez-g86airJZ4Gs-unsplash-scaled.jpg13652048Clear Creek Resourceshttps://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/CCResources-1-300x74.pngClear Creek Resources2021-11-07 05:30:122021-11-08 09:40:33112: Date Your Wife or Hate Your Life
As Christians, we are called to care for the poor and the widows, to love our enemies and our neighbors, and to serve one another with the love of Christ. One of the ways we do that is by inviting people in and making them feel welcome whether that’s through inviting them into our homes, sharing a meal around a table, or even inviting them to a rock concert. On this episode, Jon Coffey talks with East 96 Campus Elder Dave Vanderweide and his wife Carla about how they use their time, talent, and treasures for the kingdom of God, how that doesn’t look the same for everyone, and how God uses us in different ways in the different seasons of our lives.
https://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/gary-meulemans-fWzqFbKe9Wo-unsplash-scaled.jpg13652048Clear Creek Resourceshttps://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/CCResources-1-300x74.pngClear Creek Resources2021-10-31 05:30:562024-02-12 14:23:35111: Hospitality — A Conversation with Dave & Carla Vanderweide
Food is an essential part of our lives. From sack lunches to wedding feasts, providing and sharing meals is a fundamental part of how we interact. How can we use meals to celebrate and worship God? How can we use food to love and serve others? On this episode, Rachel Chester talks with Ryan Lehtinen and Yancey Arrington about their most memorable meals, favorite foods, and how they have seen God use the table to his purposes throughout history and in their own lives.
https://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/brooke-lark-C1fMH2Vej8A-unsplash-scaled.jpg15332048Clear Creek Resourceshttps://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/CCResources-1-300x74.pngClear Creek Resources2021-10-24 05:30:402024-02-12 14:23:22110: Faith and Food
During the series Salty: Sticking Out for the Right Reasons, we’re discussing questions related to each message on our podcast. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen, Yancey Arrington, and Aaron Lutz discuss the questions: What is the church? And why is it important for the church to regularly gather together for worship?
https://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/josef-maxson-2EEk7zvHUFc-unsplash-scaled.jpg13652048Clear Creek Resourceshttps://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/CCResources-1-300x74.pngClear Creek Resources2021-10-17 05:30:362021-10-14 12:01:21109: Why Should I Show Up to Church?
During the series Salty: Sticking Out for the Right Reasons, we’re discussing questions related to each message on our podcast. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen, Bruce Wesley, and Greg Poore discuss the questions: Why do people have such a difficult time having constructive relationships with people who think and behave differently than they do? And how should Christians live in an age of tribalism and outrage?
https://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/siavash-ghanbari-viMyUbkD84k-unsplash-scaled.jpg13652048Clear Creek Resourceshttps://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/CCResources-1-300x74.pngClear Creek Resources2021-10-10 05:30:422021-10-10 11:59:46108: Living in an Age of Outrage
During the series Salty: Sticking Out for the Right Reasons, we’re discussing questions related to each message on our podcast. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen, Lance Lawson, and Aaron Lutz discuss how living in a self-absorbed culture impacts our kids. And how we can help our kids be less inwardly focused and more outwardly focused.
https://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/kelly-sikkema-tQPgM1k6EbQ-unsplash-scaled.jpg10532048Clear Creek Resourceshttps://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/CCResources-1-300x74.pngClear Creek Resources2021-10-03 05:30:052021-10-04 16:00:12107: Are We Raising Consumer Kids?
During the series Salty: Sticking Out for the Right Reasons, we’re discussing questions related to each message on our podcast. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen, Yancey Arrington, and Aaron Lutz discuss the questions: Is being rich a sin? What warnings are given to the rich in the Bible?
https://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/alexander-mils-lCPhGxs7pww-unsplash-scaled.jpg13652048Clear Creek Resourceshttps://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/CCResources-1-300x74.pngClear Creek Resources2021-09-26 05:00:202024-02-22 12:34:02106: Is Being Rich a Sin?
During the series Salty: Sticking Out for the Right Reasons, we’re discussing questions related to each message on our podcast. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen, Yancey Arrington, and Bruce Wesley discuss the questions: Why does God allow suffering? How can we walk with those who are suffering?
https://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/gadiel-lazcano-ulPAVuxITEw-unsplash-scaled.jpg13652048Clear Creek Resourceshttps://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/CCResources-1-300x74.pngClear Creek Resources2021-09-19 05:30:162021-09-21 12:02:32105: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
During the series Salty: Sticking Out for the Right Reasons, we’re discussing questions related to each message on our podcast. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen, Yancey Arrington, and Aaron Lutz discuss these questions:
Do Americans in general feel more positively or negatively about Christianity? If so, why is that the case?
Is it a Christian’s role to call out sin in our cultural?
Also, new for this series, you can watch the video of our podcast converation on our YouTube channel.
https://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/aaron-burden-lW79kLuvl8E-unsplash-scaled.jpg15382048Clear Creek Resourceshttps://clearcreekresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/CCResources-1-300x74.pngClear Creek Resources2021-09-12 05:30:342021-09-21 12:02:52104: Should Christians Confront Sin in the World?