Tag Archive for: Parenting

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Tag Archive for: Parenting

017: Celebrating Advent with Your Family, with Josh and Mandy Turner

Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. It’s the season where churches around the world celebrate the coming (or advent) of Jesus and prepare their hearts for Christmas Day. In this episode, Yancey Arrington talks about the history of Advent and how it’s been celebrated by the Church for centuries. Then, he’s joined by Josh and Mandy Turner from the Clear Lake campus to talk about how their family celebrates Advent each year.


013: You Can’t Go Back So Go On, Part 2: The Adoption Story of Aric and Glenna Harding

In Part 2 of Aric and Glenna Harding’s adoption story, they share about what happened after deciding to welcome two young brothers into their home. Then later, they receive another call that would change their family forever.


Clear Creek Orphan Care

012: You Can’t Go Back So Go On, Part 1: The Adoption Story of Aric and Glenna Harding

Ted Ryskoski hosts as Aric and Glenna Harding share their two-part story of adopting three children in addition to their four biological children. The Hardings live in Friendswood and attend Clear Creek’s West Campus. Aric serves on Clear Creek’s staff as the West Campus music leader.


003: The Joys and Challenges of Parenting

In today’s episode, Lance Lawson speaks with Matthew and Allyson Neighbors about the challenge as followers of Jesus as they navigate the waters of parenting.