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Tag Archive for: Bible

17: Moses

Who’s in the Bible is back for season 2! Aric and Lance jump into Exodus to learn about Moses and the fate of the Israelite people in Egypt.


052: Christianity and Mental Health

During the Sticky message series, we’re sitting down with preachers right after they finish preaching to continue the conversation. On this episode, Ryan Lehtinen talks with Lead Pastor Bruce Wesley and counselor Tara Warner following Bruce’s sermon, “Christianity and Mental Health.”


Grace for the Afflicted by Matthew S. Stanford

Hope and Healing Center and Institute in Houston

Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation

Clear Creek Care and Support

046: Ask Your Pastor (Session 1)

Do you have questions you wish you could ask your pastor? Like, why don’t we display crosses on our buildings? Why do we care so much about baptism? How should we think about politics as the church? Rachel Chester asks Yancey Arrington some of these common questions posed to pastors at Clear Creek Community Church in the first session of Ask Your Pastor.


Awaiting the King by James K. A. Smith

044: New Testament, New God?

Have you wondered if God changed from the Old Testament to the New? Sometimes people might remark that he seems angry and wrathful in the Old Testament but loving and forgiving in the New Testament. Rachel Chester sits down with Yancey Arrington to discuss how we should approach Scripture with this question, what the Bible reveals about the character of God, and how all of this is fully revealed and explained in Jesus.





16: Season 1 Recap

A look back at Season 1 of Who’s in the Bible? with highlights, what we’ve learned, and a few things you can expect in Season 2.


15: Joseph, pt. 2

Genesis concludes with the story of Joseph in Egypt. Far from his family and stuck in prison. What will happen?


14: Joseph, pt. 1

The beginning of the story of Joseph and his fancy coat.


040: Elders – Shepherding the Church through Servant Leadership

Why do we have elders at Clear Creek? What do our elders actually do and how are they chosen? On this episode, Rachel Chester talks with Aaron Lutz and Dave Vanderweide about the biblical call for eldership and a glimpse into what this looks like at Clear Creek Community Church.




13: Israel

On this episode, a familiar face gets a new name and has a wrestling match with God.



12: Jacob, pt. 2

On this episode, the story of Jacob continues. Be sure to listen to “Jacob, pt. 1” first if you haven’t already heard it.