Entries by Gary Vander Wiele

We Need Community

The last couple of years have been difficult. With rampant sickness, quarantines, and lockdowns, many of us have experienced a level of loneliness we never thought we would. Community is a gift and a blessing. As we’ve become markedly more aware since March 2020, we were not meant to exist as sole individuals. Even the […]

Adoption and the Gospel

Adoption has been an important feature of the Church from antiquity. Throughout the centuries believers have adopted children in a variety of circumstances, and adoption has become a powerful picture of the Gospel to the world. After Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, the movement of Christ-followers that became known as the Church began to spread […]

Adopting and Adapting

I love being part of a local church that places an emphasis on adoption and caring for families journeying through the adoption process. My wife, Sarah, and I always knew that we would adopt someday. Adoption and care for the young has been a legacy of the Church since the time of the apostles, and […]

My Truth

Words are strange. They are the building blocks of our language; signifiers that carry meaning. But that meaning can be imprecise or changing. Think of the word love. Its meaning can change based on a variety of factors. Telling your spouse you love them carries a different weight than telling your pet you love them. Or […]


The Protestant Reformation – arguably, one of the most impactful events in history – unofficially kicked-off when Martin Luther posted a list of grievances on the door of the Wittenberg church. His opening statement included the claim that “all of the Christian life is to be repentance.” When Jesus began his preaching ministry, his cry […]