Tag Archive for: Podcast

203: Are There Any Modern Day Prophets? (A Closer Look at 2 Peter 1:16-21)

On this episode, Tiffany Ravedutti talks with Yancey Arrington and Jenna Kraft about what prophecy looks like in the Bible, if there are any modern day prophets, and how we can think biblically about prophecy today.

202: Do Top 5 Lists Really Make a Difference?

Small groups and Top Five lists have been a fundament part of how CCCC seeks to grow in faith and spread the gospel of Jesus.

But do they really have an impact?

In this episode, Ted Ryskoski hears the incredible story of how Steven Pittman, Derek Willis, Larry Crochet, and Josh Yahoudy came to Christ through the faithfulness of God working through the commitment of these families to invite others to know and follow Jesus.

201: 30th Anniversary – Looking Back with Bruce and Susan Wesley

Thirty years!

Thirty years since Bruce and Susan founded Clear Creek Community Church.

On this episode, Ted Ryskoski talks with Bruce and Susan Wesley about the highs, the lows, and everything in between of the past three decades.

200: Did Jesus Really Come Back From the Dead? (A Closer Look at 2 Peter 1:5-14)

Is the resurrection of Jesus fact or fiction?

Does it even matter?

In this episode, Tiffany Ravedutti sits down with Jenna Kraft and Yancey Arrington to discuss the resurrection of Jesus, the evidence to support it, and its impact on the daily lives of Christians today.

199: Is Jesus Really God? (A Closer Look at 2 Peter 1:1-4)

Seventy-three percent of evangelicals believe Jesus was created by God.

Forty-four percent of evangelicals believe Jesus was a great teacher, but not God.

Is this right? Or is Jesus really God?

Is there any biblical evidence for claiming the divinity of Jesus and does this even affect our faith?

In this episode, Lance Lawson asks Greg Poore and Aaron Chester these questions and more.

198: How Do I Talk to My Kids About Suicide?

Suicide is the leading cause of death for children ages 10-14 and teens 14-19.

In this episode, Rachel Chester talks with Lindsey Lehtinen and Sarah Cook about how we can talk to our kids about this terrible reality, have continuing conversations about hard things, and help our kids find hope in the darkest places.

More resources:

Talking to Loved One Who is Suicidal


197: How Do I Talk to My Kids About Sex (and Porn)?

Sex is one of those topics that is ubiquitous in our culture, but can be incredibly intimidating to discuss with our kids.

Pornography is a billion dollar industry and almost impossible to shield our kids from completely.

How do we approach these topics with our kids?

In this episode, Ted Ryskoski talks with Lindsey Lehtinen and Kevin Hester about how we can talk to our kids about the beauty of God’s gift of sex and the reality of how it can be distorted and dangerous in our broken world.


196: How Do I Talk to My Kids About Bullies?

We all hope for kind kids, but the reality is that bullying is everywhere, and its really hard when it happens to your child.

How do we teach our kids to respond when they see bullying?

How do we talk to our kids if they are the one being mean?

In this episode, Rachel Chester talks with Lance Lawson and Susan Wesley about this tough topic.


195: How Do I Talk to My Kids About Others (Religions, Politics, Beliefs)?

Our culture is becoming more pluralistic all the time and Christian lives look purposefully different as well.

In this episode, Rachel Chester talks with Yancey Arrington and Ryan Lehtinen about how we can talk to our kids about those who believe and live differently, in a way that models gospel love.

194: How Do I Talk to My Kids About Big Emotions?

It’s difficult to understand and control our own emotions sometimes, but what about our kids?

How can we discuss and model emotions in a way that honors God and love our kids well?

In this episode, Tiffany Ravedutti talks with Tara Warner, Clinical Director of LifeTree Counseling Center, about these questions and more.