070: The Year In Review and What’s Coming Next

2020 is over and 2021 is here! But as we look ahead to the hope of new beginnings and the eventual waning of COVID-19, it’s important to remember where we’ve been on this wild journey. Jon Coffey sits down with Ryan Lehtinen and Rachel Chester to talk about the good, the bad, and the lessons we learned last year, as well as taking a look at some of the Clear Creek Resources content we have to look forward to in 2021.



The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

Who’s in the Bible? A Podcast for Kids

026: Following Christ as a NASA Flight Surgeon

052: Christianity and Mental Health

057: Christians in Sports

062: Cancel Culture

5 Reflections on Life After an Election

The Violin Boys: How Four Brothers are Spreading Joy Amidst COVID-19