Tag Archive for: Podcast

46: Bible Reading Recap – John 1-5 & Psalm 19

On this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the final book in the reading plan for 2024, the gospel of John!

The apostle John’s gospel is unique amongst the four gospels in its emphasis on the divinity of Jesus.

The one who was in the beginning, Creator of all, the very place where heaven meets earth . . . and also compassionate, generous, and personal with all he encounters.


Check out the Bible Project Video that Lance references during the podcast below!

The Gospel of John

45: Bible Reading Recap – Revelation 17-22

On this episode of the Bible Reading Recap Podcast, we are at the end of not only the book of Revelation, but the end of the entire Biblical Story.

Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the future, eternal promises depicted in these final chapters.

The thousand year reign, the new Jerusalem that is also a temple, no more sea, sun, or suffering.

What does it all mean and how we can live in light of this future hope?

44: Bible Reading Recap – Revelation 12-16 & Psalm 11

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss how God’s Word reveals the spiritual battle between good and evil that has been raging since before Eden and continues to rage today.

Satan has lost, definitively, thought the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, but he still prowls, seeking to deceive and devour.

How can we recognize the beast in our own culture, endure the tensions of the already-not-yet, and rest in the hope of future and final judgment?


For a deeper dive into these chapters, check out these sermons:

Don’t Be Deceived: Follow the Lamb: Revelation 12 – 14; 15:2-4

Judgment Comes: The Seven Bowls: Revelation 15-16

43: Bible Reading Recap – Revelation 7-11 & Psalm 95

A 144,000 person army, the 7th seal and 7 trumpets, 2 witnesses, 4 angels, and lots of questions.

What do all of these numbers and symbols mean and how do we understand how to respond faithfully to God’s Word?

In this episode, Ted Ryksoksi, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the heart of Revelation and its connection to the rest of the New Testament.


For a deeper dive into these five chapters, check out these past sermons from Clear Creek Community Church’s sermon series on Revelation:

How Do You Feel About Judgment: The Seven Seals

Courageous Witness: The Seven Trumpets

42: Bible Reading Recap – Revelation 1-6

Armageddon, apocalypse, end-times – concepts that evoke curiosity, wonder, and fear – but what if that’s not the point?

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester begin the journey into one of the most discussed and misunderstood books in God’s Word.


For a deeper dive into these first 6 chapters, check out these past sermons covering the introduction and themes of Revelation:

Reading Revelation Well – Clear Creek Community Church

The Seven Letters – Clear Creek Community Church

The Worship of Heaven and Earth – Clear Creek Community Church

41: Bible Reading Recap – 1 John 4-5, 2 John, 3 John, & Jude

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester walk through the last epistles of the New Testament.

What is Peter’s final word to the church before he is crucified?

What does the apostle whom Jesus loved, John, say life as a Christian looks like?

How does Jesus’ brother, Jude, persevere in the midst of suffering?

These final letters offer of us a unique glimpse into the faith of those who walked the closest to Jesus thousands of years ago and still encourage and challenge us today.

40: Bible Reading Recap – 2 Peter 1-3, 1 John 1-3, & Psalm 2

On this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss Peter’s final exhortations to the church before he is martyred and the first letter written by the apostle Jesus loved, John.

Each letter is short, but powerful, reminding us to live in light of who Jesus is and our certain, future, hope in him.

39: Bible Reading Recap – 1 Peter 1-5

In this episode Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the apostle Peter’s first letter, written to a persecuted group of Gentile churches.

Peter gives a challenging and comforting reminder of who we are and all we have in Christ.

No matter what situations we find ourselves in, we can be a people of hope, as we set our minds, hearts, and lives on the example of Jesus and the promise of his return.

38: Bible Reading Recap – James 1-5 & Psalm 4

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the wisdom of James, the brother of Jesus and leader of the first church in Jerusalem.

What does it look like to be an authentic Christian?

How does our belief in Jesus shape who we are?

In the book of James, Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is echoed and given direct application for the church, as relevant today as 2000 years ago.

37: Bible Reading Recap – Hebrews 10-15 & Psalm 106

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the last chapters of Hebrews.

This big picture sermon reminds us of the character of God, the need for forgiveness, and the necessity to make a decision about whether to follow Jesus.