Tag Archive for: Podcast

59: The Story of Scripture – Exodus 11-17

The final, devastating plague that forces Pharoah’s hand: the death of every firstborn son in Egypt. The Passover ritual and reality that defines and orients the people of Israel even to this day. God’s presence with the Israelites in pillars of cloud and fire. Bread provided from heaven.

In this episode of The Story of Scripture, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the protection, presence, and provision of God in this epic story and how each moment intentionally points to Jesus.

58: The Story of Scripture – Exodus 4-10

Why did God almost kill Moses on his way to Egypt? What is the significance of a staff and the snake? Was it really Pharoah’s fault, if God was hardening his heart?

In this episode of the Story of Scripture, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the well-known epic story of Moses’s plea to “Let my people go,” Pharoah’s refusal, and the resulting ten plagues on Egypt, along with lesser known stories along the way.

57: The Story of Scripture – Genesis 48-Exodus 3

The foundation of the Story of Scripture has ended.

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the “pattern” of God’s kingdom, the depth of brokenness seen in mankind rebellion, and the promises of God to restore all things.

God’s has made a covenant with the Israelites, who are flourishing in Egypt at the end of Genesis, but then oppressed and persecuted when we turn the page to Exodus.

56: The Story of Scripture – Genesis 41-47

Despite the suffering in his life, Jospeh continues to trust in God. He is finally set free. When he is finally reunited with the brothers who rejected and betrayed them, he shows mercy and grace and saves them from death.

In this episode of the Bible Reading Podcast, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the climax of Joseph’s story that will take us into the next chapter for God’s chosen people.

55: The Story of Scripture – Genesis 33-40

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the return of Jacob to his home and are introduced to one of his sons, Joseph.

Jospeh’s story is one of the most well-known in Scripture, but how does it point back to the Garden and forward to Jesus?

54: The Story of Scripture – Genesis 27-32

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, we get to the heart of Jacob’s story.

God’s chosen brother, is deceived, deceives again, and eventually has to wrestle with God.

Will Jacob ever change? How can this uneven man be the one to continue God’s plan of redemption for the world?

53: The Story of Scripture – Genesis 20-26

Abraham lies about his wife again, Hagar is sent away again, and then, wait, Isaac also lies about his wife?

The chosen people of God seem to be making the same mistakes again and again.

In the middle of this week’s reading and these painful, but hopeful cycles, is the famous story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his promised son. What is the point of these stories and how can God ask Abraham to do something so horrific?

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss these questions and more.

52: The Story of Scripture – Genesis 14-19

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap Podcast, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss one of the central promises in Scripture.

What is a covenant? What was happening in this covenantal ceremony? What does this have to do with Jesus?

51: The Story of Scripture – Genesis 4-13

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss the sweeping stories of Genesis 4-13.

Outside of Eden, there are rival brothers, cosmic floods, rebellious towers, and much more. But throughout these stories within our Story, one thing remains the same: the grace and faithfulness of God.

50: The Story of Scripture – Genesis 1-3

What is the point of Genesis? What questions should we ask and how does that affect how we read and apply this foundational book of the Bible?

In this episode of the Bible Reading Recap, the Story of Scripture begins with the Pattern of the Kingdom of God in Genesis 1 and 2: God’s people in his place, with his presence. But it doesn’t last long. Given a choice, Adam and Eve choose to define good and evil on their own terms, and the kingdom is perished.

Ted Ryskoski, Lance Lawson, and Rachel Chester discuss Genesis 1-3. How to read, study, and apply these chapters that are the background and foundation of the Bible Reading Plan in 2025.