The Best Marriage Advice I’ve Ever Been Given
Sometimes life stinks. Marriage can be hard. People sin. Wounds hurt. There is no magic cure-all that will instantly make ...
Is it Okay for Christians to Celebrate Halloween?
October is a great month in Texas. There's college football, playoff baseball, cooler weather, and... Halloween. So how can we ...
What Does Godly Friendship Look Like?
When we were kids, our friends were some of the most important people in our lives. As Christ-following adults, is ...
Is God Really Active in the World?
How can we say God is working and active if there's so much evil, pain, and suffering in the world? ...
What Is My Purpose?
What does God want us to do with our lives? Does he have a plan for each of us? If ...
What Does it Look Like to Love God?
Jesus said the greatest commandment is for us to love God with all of our heart, soul, and might. But ...
Why is the Bible so Violent?
If you've ever read the Old Testament of the Bible, you've read stories where God's people committed violent acts against ...
3 Tips for Having Hard Conversations with Your Kids
We've all been there. When our child is exposed to something scandalous for the first time, or a teachable moment ...
Does My Story Matter?
There are billions of people in the world, each with their own unique story to tell. So are we all ...
6 Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible
Is the Bible reliable? How can we trust a book written thousands of years ago enough to change the way ...
Can All Religions Be True?
One of the great barriers to becoming a follower of Jesus Christ is that Christianity is too exclusive. How can ...
Did the Resurrection Really Happen?
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from ...